Otak kiri-Otak kanan & “Whole Brain” (Part 1)

Mengenali otak manusia sebenarnya seperti kita membuka satu “motherboard” sebuah komputer yang akan menjelaskan bagaimanakah sistem komputer itu berkerja, kekuatan (kelajuan) komputer tersebut, kekuatan memorinya (RAM), kesesuaian pengunaan komputer tersebut (untuk kegunaan personal , kegunaan pejabat, penggunaan programmer dan seterusnya) dan sebagainya.

Begitu juga bagi otak, mengenali dan memahami susunan otak dan komponen/komposisi otak seakan memberitahu kita siapakah indivudu itu sebenarnya, kemampuannya dan bagaimana seseorang individu itu berinteriksi serta bertindakbalas dalam kehidupannya (Malahan sudah tentu lebih kompleks dari komputer).

otak-kirikanan.jpgOtak manusia terdiri dari belahan atau hemisfera otak kiri dan kanan (selain mempunyai 3 susunan lapisan- insya Allah nanti saya kongsikan bersama) :-

Otak kiri banyak dikaitkan dengan fungsi akademik yang terdiri dari kemampunan bercakap, kemampuan berbahasa, membaca tulisan, logik, angka, analisis, dan lain-lainnya. Biasanya ia diidentitikan dengan kecerdasan analitik atau intelek. Maksudnya otak kiri kita ini banyak berkait dengan kemampuan matematik, analisis dan kemampuan berfikir secara sistematik. Cara kerja otak ini sangat rapi, dan terstruktur/tersusun. Biasanya otak kiri ini sangat bermanfaat digunakan untuk memahami hal-hal yang kompleks dan perlu pemikiran yang mengkhusus. Individu yang biasanya lebih menggunakan otak kiri adalah seorang penganalisis, pengkaji, Ahli matematik atau saintis.

Sementara Otak kanan pula adalah tempat untuk perkembangan hal-hal yang bersifat artistik, kreativiti, perasaan, emosi, gaya bahasa, irama musik, imaginasi, fantasi, warna, pengenalan diri dan orang lain, hubungan sosial dan pengembangan keperibadian. Jika individu yang banyak yang mengatakan otak kiri dilabel sebagai pengendali IQ (Intelligence Quotient), otak kanan pula memegang peranan penting bagi perkembangan EQ (Emotional Ouotient). Fungsi dari otak kanan ini adalah untuk mengurus pola berpikir kreatif manusia, contohnya adalah kemampuan komunikasi (lingusitik). Cara kerja otak kanan ini biasanya tidak terstruktur, dan cenderung tidak memikirkan hal-hal yang terlalu khusus iaitu bertentangan dengan otak kiri. Contoh orang yang mengunakan otak kanan dibandingkan otak kirinya adalah seorang seniman, pelukis dan sebagainya.

Saya percaya anda tentu perasan bagaimana sesetengah individu akan mempunyai kelebihan pada nombor, lebih rasional atau logik hingga kelihatan sangat “terikat” dengan peraturan dan protokol yang menyebabkan ia boleh kelihatan seperti “robot”.

Sebaliknya , terdapat pula sesetengah individu yang sangat kreatif, berjiwa seni, sangat natural dan kerap kelihatan berada di dalam suasana yang semulajadi. Mereka seperti seorang artis, pelukis, pelakon, ahli muzik, pereka dan sebagainya.

Ini juga menjelaskan kita bagaimana individu terkenal seperti penyanyi M Nasir mempunyai kemampuan dalam kumpulan hemisfera otak yang sama (sebelah kanan) iaitu selain menyanyi, beliau juga berkemampuan dalam bidang gubahan dan penciptaan lagu, mengarah filem, pelukis, berkemampuan dalam bersajak. Begitu juga seperti SN Samad Said selain menulis novel, beliau juga adalah seorang pelukis.

Kenapa boleh jadi bergitu…….? Ini kerana “pemberat” dalam penggunaan belahan otak pada diri masing-masing.

Kerana itu, apabila anda telah mengetahui yang otak mempunyai dua belahan yang berfungsi mengikutkerja masing-masing, dan setiap hemisfera mempunyai kekuatan dan kekurangannya (saling melengkapi), anda sudah boleh menerangkan alasan yang munasabah dan saintifik terhadap perbezaaan yang terjadi di antara sesetengah individu.

Di dalam bidang sains minda, apa yang berlaku pada setiap inidvidu ini (malahan ada pada hampir setiap individu) dipanggil “Brain Lateralization”. Ramai juga pakar psikologis memanggil situasi tersebut sebagai “Brain Dominance” iaitu penggunaan yang tinggi pada belahan otak yang tertentu. Kajian ahli sains neurologi memikirkan situasi ini berlaku kerana gen seseorang individu (seperti penggunaan tangan kanan atau kidal). Tetapi sesetengah pakar kajian mengatakan oleh pengalaman pembesaran, pendidikan, pengaruh ibubapa dan juga situasi masyarakat sekeliling yang mempengaruhi penggunaan otak tersebut.

(Anda boleh melakukan ujian di sini dan di sini untuk mengetahui dimanakan hemisfera otak yang banyak anda gunakan)

Meskipun kebanyakan individu akan menggunakan satu hemisfera yang lebih berbanding yang satu lagi (selalunya kebanyakan kita menggunakan otak kiri secara berlebihan kesan dari pendidikan di sekolah) tetapi secara puratanya seseorang individu akan menggunakan kedua-dua belahan otaknya untuk aktiviti-aktiviti seharian.

Bagaimanapun, untuk mencapai kualiti kehidupan yang lebih baik dan untuk kita mengoptimakan serta membangkitkan kemampuan POTENSI DIRI seseorang individu, penggunaan kedua-dua hemisfera otak adalah sangat penting. Iaitu kita menggunakan kedua-dua hemisfera otak dengan seimbang. Malahan kemampuan dan kekuatan fungsi otak akan meningkat secara drastik apabila kita dapat mengoptimakan kedua-dua belah otak ini. Ini yang dipanggil “Whole Brain”. Iaitu penggunaan otak yang lebih menyeluruh.

Jika dahulu bidang pendidikan hanya menggunakan dan mengiktirafkan kecerdasan intelek iaitu penggunaan yang ketara pada otak kiri, ahli psikologis dan pakar pendidikan semakin memahami bahawa ia tidak mengoptimakan fungsi dan kekuatan otak dan mempunyai kelemahan pada kecerdasan emosi (EQ). Terbukti, dinegara-negara yang maju dimana terdapat terlalu ramai pelajarnya yang tinggi dalam IQ dan cemerlang dalam pelajaran, mereka menghadapi masalah EQ yang ketara. Banyak masalah sosial datang dari kelemahan di sebelah EQ.

Kerana itu sekarang wujud banyak institusi seperti SuperLearning Technologies, Accelerated learning, Montenssori Method, The Shichida Method dan sebagainya iaitu institusi yang menggubah pendekatan pembelajaran kepada konsep “whole brain learning” dengan mengoptimakan keseluruhan otak untuk mendapat kecermelangan dalam kehidupan.

Kita sambung lagi pada artikel akan datang….

Amar Mahmood


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Cat Stevens : How I Came To Islam

By : Cat Stevens

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All I have to say is all what you know already, to confirm what you already know, the message of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) as given by God - the Religion of Truth. As human beings we are given a consciousness and a duty that has placed us at the top of creation. Man is created to be God's deputy on earth, and it is important to realize the obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and to make our lives a preparation for the next life. Anybody who misses this chance is not likely to be given another, to be brought back again and again, because it says in Qur'an Majeed that when man is brought to account, he will say, {O Lord, send us back and give us another chance} The Lord will say, {If I send you back you will do the same}

cat stevens


I was brought up in the modern world of all the luxury and the high life of show business. I was born in a Christian home, but we know that every child is born in his original nature - it is only his parents that turn him to this or that religion. I was given this religion (Christianity) and thought this way. I was taught that God exists, but there was no direct contact with God, so we had to make contact with Him through Jesus - he was in fact the door to God. This was more or less accepted by me, but I did not swallow it all.

I looked at some of the statues of Jesus; they were just stones with no life. And when they said that God is three, I was puzzled even more but could not argue. I more or less believed it, because I had to have respect for the faith of my parents.

pop star


Gradually I became alienated from this religious upbringing. I started making music. I wanted to be a big star. All those things I saw in the films and on the media took hold of me, and perhaps I thought this was my God, the goal of making money. I had an uncle who had a beautiful car. "Well," I said, "he has it made. He has a lot of money." The people around me influenced me to think that this was it; this world was their God.

I decided then that this was the life for me; to make a lot of money, have a 'great life.' Now my examples were the pop stars. I started making songs, but deep down I had a feeling for humanity, a feeling that if I became rich I would help the needy. (It says in the Qur'an, we make a promise, but when we make something, we want to hold onto it and become greedy.)

So what happened was that I became very famous. I was still a teenager, my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life, so I wanted to live larger than life and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated (with liquor and drugs).

with family


After a year of financial success and 'high' living, I became very ill, contracted TB and had to be hospitalized. It was then that I started to think: What was to happen to me? Was I just a body, and my goal in life was merely to satisfy this body? I realized now that this calamity was a blessing given to me by Allah, a chance to open my eyes - "Why am I here? Why am I in bed?" - and I started looking for some of the answers. At that time there was great interest in the Eastern mysticism. I began reading, and the first thing I began to become aware of was death, and that the soul moves on; it does not stop. I felt I was taking the road to bliss and high accomplishment. I started meditating and even became a vegetarian. I now believed in 'peace and flower power,' and this was the general trend. But what I did believe in particular was that I was not just a body. This awareness came to me at the hospital.

One day when I was walking and I was caught in the rain, I began running to the shelter and then I realized, 'Wait a minute, my body is getting wet, my body is telling me I am getting wet.' This made me think of a saying that the body is like a donkey, and it has to be trained where it has to go. Otherwise, the donkey will lead you where it wants to go.

Then I realized I had a will, a God-given gift: follow the will of God. I was fascinated by the new termino- logy I was learning in the Eastern religion. By now I was fed up with Christianity. I started making music again and this time I started reflecting my own thoughts. I remember the lyric of one of my songs. It goes like this: "I wish I knew, I wish I knew what makes the Heaven, what makes the Hell. Do I get to know You in my bed or some dusty cell while others reach the big hotel?" and I knew I was on the Path.

I also wrote another song, "The Way to Find God Out." I became even more famous in the world of music. I really had a difficult time because I was getting rich and famous, and at the same time, I was sincerely searching for the Truth. Then I came to a stage where I decided that Buddhism is all right and noble, but I was not ready to leave the world. I was too attached to the world and was not prepared to become a monk and to isolate myself from society.

I tried Zen and Ching, numerology, tarot cards and astrology. I tried to look back into the Bible and could not find anything. At this time I did not know anything about Islam, and then, what I regarded as a miracle occurred. My brother had visited the mosque in Jerusalem and was greatly impressed that while on the one hand it throbbed with life (unlike the churches and synagogues which were empty), on the other hand, an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity prevailed.


When he came to London he brought back a translation of the Qur'an, which he gave to me. He did not become a Muslim, but he felt something in this religion, and thought I might find something in it also.

And when I received the book, a guidance that would explain everything to me - who I was; what was the purpose of life; what was the reality and what would be the reality; and where I came from - I realized that this was the true religion; religion not in the sense the West understands it, not the type for only your old age. In the West, whoever wishes to embrace a religion and make it his only way of life is deemed a fanatic. I was not a fanatic, I was at first confused between the body and the soul. Then I realized that the body and soul are not apart and you don't have to go to the mountain to be religious. We must follow the will of God. Then we can rise higher than the angels. The first thing I wanted to do now was to be a Muslim.

I realized that everything belongs to God, that slumber does not overtake Him. He created everything. At this point I began to lose the pride in me, because hereto I had thought the reason I was here was because of my own greatness. But I realized that I did not create myself, and the whole purpose of my being here was to submit to the teaching that has been perfected by the religion we know as Al-Islam. At this point I started discovering my faith. I felt I was a Muslim. On reading the Qur'an, I now realized that all the Prophets sent by God brought the same message. Why then were the Jews and Christians different? I know now how the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah and that they had changed His Word. Even the Christians misunderstand God's Word and called Jesus the son of God. Everything made so much sense. This is the beauty of the Qur'an; it asks you to reflect and reason, and not to worship the sun or moon but the One Who has created everything. The Qur'an asks man to reflect upon the sun and moon and God's creation in general. Do you realize how different the sun is from the moon? They are at varying distances from the earth, yet appear the same size to us; at times one seems to overlap the other.

Even when many of the astronauts go to space, they see the insignificant size of the earth and vastness of space. They become very religious, because they have seen the Signs of Allah.

When I read the Qur'an further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a Muslim yet, but I felt that the only answer for me was the Qur'an, and God had sent it to me, and I kept it a secret. But the Qur'an also speaks on different l I began to understand it on anothlevel, where the Qur'an says, {Those who believe do not take disbelievers for friends and the believers are brothers} Thus at this point I wished to meet my Muslim brothers.


Then I decided to journey to Jerusalem (as my brother had done). At Jerusalem, I went to the mosque and sat down. A man asked me what I wanted. I told him I was a Muslim. He asked what was my name. I told him, "Stevens." He was confused. I then joined the prayer, though not so successfully. Back in London, I met a sister called Nafisa. I told her I wanted to embrace Islam and she directed me to the New Regent Mosque. This was in 1977, about one and a half years after I received the Qur'an.

Now I realized that I must get rid of my pride, get rid of Iblis, and face one direction. So on a Friday, after Jumma' I went to the Imam and declared my faith (the Kalima) at this hands. You have before you someone who had achieved fame and fortune. But guidance was something that eluded me, no matter how hard I tried, until I was shown the Qur'an. Now I realize I can get in direct contact with God, unlike Christianity or any other religion. As one Hindu lady told me, "You don't understand the Hindus. We believe in one God; we use these objects (idols) to merely concentrate." What she was saying was that in order to reach God, one has to create associates, that are idols for the purpose. But Islam removes all these barriers. The only thing that moves the believers from the disbelievers is the salat. This is the process of purification.

Finally I wish to say that everything I do is for the pleasure of Allah and pray that you gain some inspirations from my experiences. Furthermore, I would like to stress that I did not come into contact with any

Muslim before I embraced Islam. I read the Qur'an first and realized that no person is perfect. Islam is perfect, and if we imitate the conduct of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) we will be successful. May Allah give us guidance to follow the path of the ummah of Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Ameen



The British singer-songwriter known as Cat Stevens has had many identities in his life: popstar, folk singer, and, most recently, Muslim activist. After a highly successful career in musicduring which he sold over 25 million albums, Stevens left public life in 1979 and took the name Yusuf Islam, becoming a devout Muslim active in cultural education causes in Britain.

Born in London in 1948 to a Swedish mother and a Greek Cypriot father, Stephen Demetri Georgiou was educated in Sweden, where he studied native songs and dances aswell as classical music. In the '60s he returned to London, where his father owned a restaurant, and entered Hammersmith College art school.Georgiou began performing guitar-based folk-pop under the name Cat Stevens, andbecame a regular in local pubs and coffeehouses. Stevens soon attracted the attention ofindependent record producer Mike Hurst, a former member of the folk-pop group the Springfields; in the summer of 1966 Stevens recorded a demo with Hurst, who shopped it around Britain and landed Stevens a deal with the new label Deram Records.

At 19 years of age Stevens released his debut album, Matthew And Son, a pop-rock record which became a hit in the U.K., the title single and "I Love My Dog"both charting in the Top 10. Stevens toured Britain as part of a bizarre package tour withJimi Hendrix and Engelbert Humperdink, and released his sophomore effort New Masters the following year. The 1967 album marked the start of Stevens' long-timecollaboration with singer/guitarist Alun Davies, but was a commercial failure. (A singlefrom New Masters, "The First Cut Is the Deepest," became a hit for Rod Stewartin the 1970s.)

Several years of wild living caught up with Stevens in 1969, when, near death,he was diagnosed with tuberculosis and spent a year in the hospital undergoing treatment.While recovering, Stevens underwent a spiritual crisis and began studying Eastern religions, practicing vegetarianism, and writing highly introspective songs. A changed man, Stevenssigned a new record deal with Island, who had just landed a U.S. distribution agreement withA&M, and began recording new material.

Stevens' first A&M release, 1970's Mona Bone Jakon, was a solid album that established Stevens' new image as a sensitive singer-songwriter. His next record, Tea for the Tillerman, was released later that same year to overwhelming success.With the hit singles "Wild World" and "Father and Son," the album became an instantfolk-pop classic and went to No. 1 in the U.S., earning gold status.

Before Tillerman Stevens had toured America several times, playing acoustic guitar as an opening act for rock bands like King Crimson and Seatrain; after TillermanStevens began headlining extravagant performances, replete with magicians and tigers, dancers and back-up singers. An unprecedented prime-time appearance on ABC's"In Concert" program cemented his status as a U.S. superstar.

1971's Teaser and the Firecat repeated Tillerman's success and contained theinternational anti-war hit "Peace Train." The album also spawned a children's book andshort film. 1972's Catch a Bull at Four was Stevens' first and only No. 1 album, and was followed the next year by the less-acclaimed The Foreigner, which wentto No. 3.

In 1973 Stevens' brother David visited Israel and, aware of his brother's fascination withreligion, returned with a copy of the Koran as a souvenir. Stevens was awed bythe book and began studying Islam. His next album, 1974's The Buddah and the Chocolate Box, reached No. 2 in the U.S. but marked the end of Stevens' most fertileperiod as a performer, his growing interest in Islam slowly eclipsing his songwriting.

1975's Numbers was an ill-fated concept album that was the first of Stevens'recordings to peak below the Top 10 in Britain. Sensing that the end was near, A&M issued a Greatest Hits collection that June.

In 1977 Stevens made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and released the pop album Izitso,a commercial album that was decried by long-time fans as a sellout. In December of thatyear Stevens formally converted to Islam at a London mosque, taking the new nameYusuf Islam. A&M released what was to be the last Cat Stevens album, Backto Earth, in early 1978; by 1979 Stevens/Islam had married and retired from pop music.

During the 1980s Islam settled in London with his wife and five children and became very involved in the local Muslim community, founding one of Britain's topIslamic schools. Meanwhile A&M released a second "greatest hits" package in 1984(entitled Footsteps in the Dark), which included previously unreleased songs Stevens recorded for the 1971 cult movie Harold and Maude.

Yusuf Islam had nearly faded from public consciousness when in 1989 he made the infamous announcement that he supported the Ayatollah Khomeini's death sentence for Satantic Verses author Salman Rushdie. American radio stations stopped playing Cat Steven songs in protest -- WNEW in New York even gave away free copies of The Satanic Verses to listeners who turned in their old Cat Stevens records.

In 1995 Islam released his first "record" since retiring from pop music, a two-CD set calledThe Life of the Last Prophet which features one disc of Muslim chanting andanother disc of Yusuf Islam reading a 66-minute biography of Muhammad. Though it was ignored in the West, the double-album reached No. 1 in Turkey and was a hit in most of the Muslim world, where it was lauded by critics.

In 1997 Yusuf Islam announced that he is working on an album of Bosnian songs and poems,including a new song Islam wrote about Muslim children killed in the Balkan wars.

Last update: 21-10-2007 18:29

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The waning power of truth

By Paul Craig Roberts

Online Journal Contributing Writer

Jun 22, 2009, 00:21

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David Ray Griffin, the nemesis of the collection of disinformation known as the 9/11 Commission Report, has taken up the question of Osama Bin Laden, dead or alive?

On the basis of the available evidence, Griffin concludes that bin Laden died in December 2001, most likely of kidney failure. He has been kept alive in the media by US government PSYOPS as a useful bogyman to justify America’s illegal wars of aggression. The messages received from bin Laden since his death appear to be conveniently timed fabrications designed to advance US government purposes.

Osama bin Laden is likely to become a mythical person, like the Georgia Tech student, George P. Burdell, who will be sighted from time to time over a period that exceeds the length of a human life.

It was less than one year ago that Americans were subjected to PSYOPS disinformation from their government concerning the Russia-Georgia conflict over South Ossetia.

Soviet ruler Joseph Stalin incorporated South Ossetia, formerly a part of Russia, into his home province of Georgia. When the Soviet Union broke up, Georgia became independent and retained South Ossetia. Secession movements arose in South Ossetia and in Abkhazia. These secession movements were the reason European members of NATO rejected the US government’s attempt to make Georgia a NATO member in order to extend the US/NATO military presence on Russia’s borders in contravention of previous US government agreements with Russia.

To terminate the secession movement and, thereby, remove the barrier to Georgia becoming a NATO member, the US, with Israel’s help, trained and equipped the Georgian military and gave the American puppet ruler, installed in the aftermath of one of the US-orchestrated “color revolutions,” the green light to attack South Ossetia.

Under mutual agreement, Russia and Georgia both provided peace-keeping troops in South Ossetia to prevent violence by secessionists. On the night of August 7-8, 2008, Georgian troops attacked South Ossetia, destroying a town and killing many Russian Ossetians and some Russian soldiers who were part of the peace-keeping force. Large numbers of South Ossetians fled across the border to Russia.

The US government, in its hubris, assumed that Russia would accept the ethnic cleansing of Russians from South Ossetia. Instead, Russian troops arrived and quickly destroyed the American-trained and equipped Georgian army and could easily have taken control of Georgia, but refrained.

Defeated in its aim, the US government unleashed a PSYOPS disinformation war against the Russian government, claiming falsely that Russia had initiated the conflict by attacking Georgia. The US government’s blatant and transparent lies were force-fed to the American public by the US media.

British disinformation services cooperated with their American masters, but the rest of the world blew the whistle. The real facts emerged, and an American disinformation campaign experienced a rare failure.

Now 10 months later, US “black ops” is at it again, pumping out disinformation about the “stolen” Iranian election. The US media is again serving the government’s disinformation campaign. This despite the fact that on May 23, 2007, Brian Ross and Richard Esposito reported on ABC News: “The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert ‘black’ operation to destabilize the Iranian government, current and former officials in the intelligence community tell . . . ABC News.”

On May 27, 2007, the London Telegraph independently reported: “Mr. Bush has signed an official document endorsing CIA plans for a propaganda and disinformation campaign intended to destabilize, and eventually topple, the theocratic rule of the mullahs.”

A few days previously, the Telegraph reported on May 16, 2007, that Bush administration neocon warmonger John Bolton told the Telegraph that a US military attack on Iran would “be a ‘last option’ after economic sanctions and attempts to foment a popular revolution had failed.”

On June 29, 2008, Seymour Hersh reported in the New Yorker: “Late last year, Congress agreed to a request from President Bush to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran, according to current and former military, intelligence, and congressional sources. These operations, for which the President sought up to four hundred million dollars, were described in a Presidential Finding signed by Bush, and are designed to destabilize the country’s religious leadership.”

The Iranian election protests, essentially led by the westernized youth of Tehran who wish to be free of Islamic moral codes, have the hallmarks of orchestration. The protesters are color-coded with green wristbands. Their protest signs are in English and are obviously directed at the Western media. Their chants are propagandistic and bear no relation to facts known by every Iranian.

And again, the US media and various experts, whose ambitions depend on government-related careers, are force-feeding the American public the disinformation designed to further isolate and weaken, if not overthrow, the Iranian government.

Until 1978 the US ruled Iran through the Shah. The US intends to again rule Iran through puppets. The only two remaining independent governments in the region are Iran and Syria. If the US doesn’t first bankrupt itself, both countries will fall to US black ops destabilization.

The limitless gullibility of the American people guarantees carte blanche to the US government’s schemes. Americans seemingly cannot put two and two together. They have already forgotten the lies about weapons of mass destruction that have resulted in the destruction of Iraq. They have forgotten Secretary of State Colin Powell’s publicly expressed remorse at the lies he told the UN. Americans blithely accept the conflation of Taliban with al Qaeda and terrorists and the new war that the Obama regime has started in Pakistan, a war that has already produced 2 million refugees.

It can fairly be said that there is not much difference between the American public and the fictional one under Big Brother in George Orwell’s 1984. The few independent voices that do exist are simply drowned out by the constant flow of disinformation.

The US government’s success in spinning 9/11 guaranteed the government’s success in pursuing a hegemonic agenda under a cloak of lies. Although a large percentage of the US population does not believe the government’s account and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of experts and informed and well-connected people have challenged the government’s tale, the US media have shown no interest despite the official account of 9/11 bearing every known hallmark of a cover-up.

High-ranking fire marshals have complained that legally required forensic procedures were not followed by authorities entrusted with investigation.

The testimony of more than 100 policemen, firemen, and maintenance personnel who were in the towers at the time and report hearing and experiencing a series of explosions was ignored and withheld from the public until the government got its story in place.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology studiously avoided testing for evidence of explosives. The severed steel beams were quickly collected and sold abroad as scrap.

As a number of observers have complained, the crime scene was destroyed, not investigated.

The government’s story of the destruction of the towers is based on computer simulations that produce results in keeping with the assumptions.

The collapse of the third building is not even mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.

No one abroad believes the US government’s story. Europeans have produced documentary films that laugh at the official explanation.

Recently, an international team of scientists reported on their two-year examination of dust samples from the debris. They report that they found nano-thermite in the samples. To my knowledge no mainstream US media reported the finding.

One would think that such a finding would lead to a real investigation. Instead, within the US the finding is dismissed by debunkers of “conspiracy theories” (except of course the government’s own conspiracy theory) with the charge that the dust samples have not been in controlled environments since collected and could have been contaminated by those who volunteered the samples. In other words, the nano-thermite, if actually in the samples, was planted.

One wonders how residents of lower Manhattan obtained nano-thermite with which to contaminate the dust. Indeed, who has access to nano-thermite other than government?

Why doesn’t the National Academy of Science choose a team to examine the samples? If the finding of nano-thermite is verified, the issue of contamination can be investigated. If it turns out that the people who volunteered the samples have no possible access to nano-thermite, the case for a real investigation is established.

There is little prospect of such a development in the US. American science and the careers of scientists are heavily dependent on US government funding. It would be a career-ending event for American scientists to get involved with this matter other than as a contributor to a cover-up. Professor Steven Jones, a physicist at BYU who first raised the issue of explosives being used to bring down the three WTC buildings, was terminated, despite his tenure, by BYU. Many believe Jones was terminated because of political threats to the university’s funding.

In the US truth is an ineffective means by which to hold government accountable. Consider, for example, the fate of whistleblowers. Daniel Ellsberg who leaked the Pentagon Papers was perhaps the last successful whistleblower and that was three decades ago. Since then the government has put in place many defenses against whistleblowers.

The American public has looked to government for its salvation since Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal. Government provides education, health care (Medicare, Medicaid), pensions (Social Security), food stamps, housing subsidies, child care and protects Americans from a long list of demonized villains ranging from spouse abusers and child molesters to terrorists. Americans see themselves and their government as the salt of the earth, an image supported by American generosity to other peoples who suffer natural calamities. Most Americans believe that their government does stupid things, but not evil things except perhaps by accident.

The right-wing believes that America was attacked on 9/11 because we are so good, hubris to which Bush successfully played with his statement that “they hate us for our freedom and democracy.”

The left wing finds emotional satisfaction in its belief that 9/11 was deserved blow-back from peoples oppressed by US foreign policy who rose up and struck back.

Truth is so impotent in America that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty 42 years ago is still covered up by the US government despite the best efforts of Admiral Tom Moorer, who was Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and by decades of effort by the Liberty survivors.

This raises the question: Why do some people blow whistles? Why do those few write books and columns that challenge the lies and deceptions? There is probably more than one answer. For some, hope springs eternal. Others naively destroy their careers thinking that truth will be honored. Still others speak from a sense of responsibility to truth and not from a hope that anything will actually change.

In October 1987, John Stockwell, a former CIA cover operative who ran the CIA’s covert war in Angola, gave a lecture in which he said he abandoned his career when he realized that CIA covert operations resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people and were totally unconnected to any US national security interests. “I concluded that I just couldn’t see the point.”

Nothing has changed. What was the point of the US invasion of Iraq? Even President Bush eventually conceded that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

What was the point of the US invasion of Afghanistan and what is the point of Obama’s escalation of the war there? The Taliban is not al Qaeda and was totally focused on unifying Afghanistan under an Islamic government. The US was not on the Taliban’s radar screen.

What is the point of the war that the US has started in Pakistan?

What is the point of the destabilization of the Iranian government? After the stolen elections of the Karl Rove/Bush era, why does the US think it must overthrow the Iranian government because of allegations that Ahmadinejad stole an election?

If the answer is that these wars and interventions serve the interest of US hegemony, the obvious reply is that US hegemony is more likely to be lost from the massive red ink in the government’s budget that is likely to be monetized, thus destroying the dollar as reserve currency, the main source of US hegemony.

If the US wants to have an empire in the Middle East or elsewhere, the government should come out and say so. At least then Americans could revel in the glories of empire. As it is, the pleasure must be gained surreptitiously under the table, pretending that we are protecting the world from evildoers while we do evil ourselves.

Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider’s Account of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.

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From Nero burning Rome, to Hitler burning the Reichstag. From Pearl Harbor to Oklahoma City, and now the attack on 9-11, the history of tyrannical governments allowing or committing acts of terrorism on their own peoples and institutions to gain more control over them, and to justify globalist wars to fund the international war machine, is well documented. There are traitors in America. Traitors in high government positions, They sometimes masquerade as conservatives, but they are actually one world government socialists bent on the destruction of America, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and your freedom, in order to usher in their long dreamed of global government. Globalists have seized control of both the Democrat and Republican Parties, and their agenda is the same. Who gained from 9-11? The despots and financiers of THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, those who feed off of war, and those seeking control and enslavement of the masses.

The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were planned in 1992 during the first Bush administration, by Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Pearl. When they got back into power in 2001 they had an opportunity to enact their plan. The problem was that they needed a catalyst, an event that would justify these invasions. In 1962 the Joint Chief's OK'D a covert CIA plan called "Operation Northwoods". This was the plan where American cities would be bombed and American planes would be hijacked and blamed on Cuba in order to justify an invasion. President Kennedy rejected the plan and was assassinated. These types of criminals run our government today.

*In the days leading up to the 9-11 attacks, a record number of stocks, hundreds of millions of dollars worth, from the companies that would be devastated on September 11, such as United and American airlines, were sold off. A jump in UAL put options were 90 times (not 90 percent) above normal between Sept. 6 and Sept.10, and 285 times higher than average on the Thursday before the attack. A jump in American Airlines put options 60 times (not 60 percent) above normal on the day before the attacks. No similar trading occurred on any other airlines. This was a big news story for a couple of days after 9-11, but it suddenly and mysteriously dissappeared. ABC World News reported on Sept. 20, 2001 "Jonathan Winer, an ABC News consultant said, 'it's absolutely unprecedented to see cases of insider trading covering the entire world from Japan, to the U.S., to North America, to Europe." How much money was involved? Andreas von Bulow, a former member of the German Parliament responsible for oversight of Germany's intelligence services estimated the worldwide amount at $15 billion. Not a single U.S. or foreign investigative agency has announced any arrests or developments in the investigation of these trades, the most telling evidence of foreknowledge of the attacks. This, in spite of the fact that former Security and Exchange Commission enforcement chief William McLucas told Bloomberg News that regulators would "certainly be able to track down every trade." They found exactly where the trail was leading, then the story suddenly dropped out of site. They dropped the pursuit of this story for one reason only: BECAUSE IT WOULD LEAD RIGHT TO THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL THE MEDIA AND THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT!

*On the morning of September 11, the CIA was running a drill which centred around the scenario of planes crashing into government buildings. In yet another 'extraordinary coincidence' the CIA said that the operation had been planned for months but was cancelled as soon as the 'real' attack unfolded. This so-called drill was likely used to get NORAD to stand down. When it was announced that the planes had been hijacked word would have come down that it was just a CIA drill and not to respond. The existence of this 'drill' was released and watered down to prevent the whole truth coming out later. This also destroys the government's lie that the thought of airliners being used as weapons never crossed their minds!

*At 8:40am on 9-11-01, NORAD claimed to have been first notified. It had time to protect the South Tower and Washington, even given its bizarre choice of bases to scramble. And it still had ample opportunity to protect both New York City and Washington even if it insisted that all interceptors fly subsonic, simply by redeploying airborne fighters. Comparing NORAD's timeline to reports from air traffic control reveals inexplicable delays in the times the FAA took to report the deviating aircraft. The delays include an 18-minute delay in reporting Flight 11 and a 39-minute delay in reporting Flight 77. The delays are made all the more suspicious given that, in each case, the plane failed to respond to communications, was off-course, and had stopped emitting its IFF signal. No plausible explanation has been provided for failing to scramble interceptors in a timely fashion from bases within easy range to protect the September 11th targets. Fighters that were dispatched were scrambled from distant bases. Early in the attack, when Flight 11 had turned directly south toward New York City, it was obvious that New York City and the World Trade Center, and Washington D.C. would be likely targets. Yet fighters were not scrambled from the bases near the targets. They were only scrambled from distant bases. Moreover there were no redundant or backup scrambles. Flight 93 was headed for the Capitol building. There were rumors that flight 93 had been shot down. But we now know that the fighter jets sent up to defend Washington did not know Flight 93 was approaching, and could not have stopped it. It would have made it easily if the passengers had not become unruly, and were about to storm the cockpit. Apparently the passengers found out what the situation was, and decided to take action. Imagine that on top of the other three attacks, we had the smouldering ruins of the Capitol building, and many top political leaders dead in the ashes? We would have certainly seen Martial law. The globalists would have allowed this final attack, in order to increase the shock value, and further justify their long dreamed of police state and global wars.

*On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld held a press conference to announce that $2.3 TRILLION was missing from Pentagon coffers and could not be located. Amid the following months of dust and rubble at the World Trade Center, the question of this missing money was never heard again.

*David Schippers, Chief Council for the House Judiciary Committee and head prosecutor responsible conducting the impeachment against former President Clinton, went public revealing that months BEFORE the 9-11 attacks, many FBI agents had come to him informing him about the impending attacks. These agents knew the names of the hijackers, the targets of their attacks, the proposed dates, and the sources of the terrorists' funding, etc., many months in advance of the 9/11 attacks. The FBI command pulled them off of their investigations into these terrorists and threatened them with the National Security Act and told them that if they talked about any of the information pertaining to their investigations, they would be prosecuted. Many of them sought the council of Mr. Schippers wanting to get somebody in the U.S. government to take action and stop these attacks, before their plan could be implemented. Mr. Schippers talked to many Congressmen and Senators, and even tried to get a hold of Att. Gen. John Ashcroft, only to get the run-around.
*Delmart Vreeland, an American citizen who was US Naval Lieutenant assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), was in a Canadian jail on minor charges from December 6, 2000 until 2002. On August 11 of 2001, after trying to verbally alert his Canadian jailers to the coming World Trade Center attacks, he wrote down key information and sealed it in an envelope which he then had placed in jailers' custody. The notes were eerie. They specifically listed a number of targets including The World Trade Center, The White House, and The Pentagon. When the envelope was opened on September 14th, it set off alarms in the US and Canada. This event is not disputed by Canadian authorities. After being freed by Canadian authorities, he was supposed to appear in a US court on minor charges, but he never showed up. Vreeland is now a fugitive from both Canadian and American justice. Is Vreeland a spy whose government has turned on him? His former lawyers Rocco Galati and Paul Slansky, two former Canadian prosecutors, were the victims of harassment and threats including dead cats hung on porches and car windows smashed out in car burglaries. Apparently Vreeland fears for his life, with good reason, and is in hiding.

*On September 13, 2001, while the world was fixated on the terrorist attacks, China was quickly and quietly admitted to the World Trade Organization, and given most favored nation status, after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts. These globalist traitors waited until there was a diversion like 9-11 to sell out America and the rest of the world, and they used the 3000 American lives lost on 9-11 to do it!

*The pilot of the American Airlines flight 77 that on the morning of 9/11 had crashed into the Pentagon, was Charles Burlingame, an ex- F4 Navy flyer. He had as his last Navy mission, helped craft Pentagon response plans in the event of a commercial airliner hitting the Pentagon. What an ironic way of getting rid of someone who may have known too much!

*William Rodriguez, declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, was the janitor on duty at WTC the morning of 9/11. He heard and felt explosions rock the basement sub-levels of the north tower seconds BEFORE the jetliner struck the top floors. He not only claims he felt explosions coming from below the first sub-level while working in the basement, he says the walls were cracking around him and he pulled a man to safety by the name of Felipe David, who was severely burned from the basement explosions. All these events occurred seconds BEFORE and during the jetliner strike above. Simple question. How could a jetliner hit 90 floors above and burn a man’s arms and face to a crisp in the basement below within seconds of impact? Rodriguez believes a controlled demolition brought down the WTC. His story has been ignored by the media and the government. Rodriguez’s story blows the lid off the government story, exposing the whole 9/11 investigation as a sham and a cover-up of the worst kind. NBC news spent a full day at his house taping his comments. But his story was never aired. His eyewitness account is backed up by at least 14 people who were at the scene with him. His story can be backed up and verified with hospital records and testimony from many others.

*A movie aired on Fox on March 4, 2001, called "The Lone Gunmen". It foretold the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center, with some interesting and revealing twists. In the story, a faction within the government organized a remote control takeover of a commercial airliner, which it then aimed into the World Trade Center. The motive was to start a war to stimulate business for the weapons industry, which had been suffering since the end of the Cold War. The plot was discovered by a government employee who was not part of the faction, a good guy. In the movie, the hero's manage to thwart the disaster. They hack the Defense Department computers and manage to restore the pilots ability to manually override the remote control just moments before the plane would have crashed into the WTC south tower. The climactic scene showed the plane heading into the tower at night from the south, and when the manual override is restored, the pilots lift the plane, just barely missing the World Trade Center. The Illuminati, those behind the scenes of mass media and politics, love to send out signals about what major world event they have planned next. Shortly before the JFK assassination in 1963 they released "The Manchurian Candidate". The plot centered around a man who is programmed under hypnosis to assassinate the president.

*In remarks made by Tom Kennedy, a spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's(FEMA) "National Urban Search and Rescue Team" during an interview on national TV with CBS News anchor Dan Rather shortly after the attacks, let slip a frightening truth: FEMA sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York City the night BEFORE the attacks occurred! Mr. Kennedy told Dan Rather, "We were one of the first teams that was deployed to support the City of New York in this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night, September 10th, and went right into action on Tuesday morning", September 11th. Also, many people who were in the WTC towers who managed to get out before it collapsed were saying that there were bombs going off inside (even in the basement levels). Just one of the many of such accounts that appeared in the mainstream press, firefighter Louie Cacchioli said: "We think there were bombs going off" as they entered tower number two.

*On October 26, 2001 George Bush signed the misnamed USA Patriot Act, which was proposed just FIVE DAYS after 9-11! Just six weeks later this bill was passed. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a bill to be conceived, written, debated, and passed this quickly. You see, they had ALREADY WRITTEN THE BILL BEFORE 9-11, and needed this disaster to justify it's passage.

*The NY lottery came up 911 on 9/11/02, the first anniversary of 9-11. The chance of "911" coming up on "9/11" specifically and particularly on 9/11/02, the very first anniversary of the attack on the WTC, is far higher than you could calculate. And the S&P futures index closed at EXACTLY "911.00" on 9/11/02. If it closed at "911.00" often, then it would be reasonable to assume it was just a coincidence. But the S&P futures index had never closed at exactly "911.00" before. What is the probability of that happening for the first time, and maybe never again, on 9/11/02, the very first anniversary of the attack on the WTC? If such `coincidences' were both: 1) extremely improbable (i.e. of the order of billions to one); and 2) specified (i.e. not just any number but "911" exactly); It would have to be concluded that it was either a sign from God, OR a very sick signal that the hidden elite send to let people know that they control the stock market, the lottery, AND events like 9-11.


* In June 2001 several publications reported that the US was planning a war in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001, in order to unseat the Taliban. They were claiming that the primary reason for these hostilities would be the Taliban's unwillingness to cooperate with UN inspectors, a pretext that would have not gone over well. They recieved a better pretext for attacking with the 9-11 attacks. Of course what they really wanted was to aggressively expand U.S. (globalist) influence throughout the region, and eventually secure a pipeline through Afghanistan for the benefit of UNOCAL and other big globalist oil companies. Without the pretext of revenge for the 9-11 attacks, the middle eastern wars would have never happened.

* There was a remarkable ‘signature" of the 9/11 attacks. They occurred exactly 11 years to the day after President George Bush Senior gave a major address to Congress entitled, "Toward A New World Order". That address was on September 11, 1990. Precisely 11 years to the day later, American Airlines Flight 11 started the attacks of 9-11-2001 when it slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. The towers, of course, symbolized a huge 11 over the skies of New York. The Pentagon was modeled after the satanic symbol of the pentagram. Another fact about the Pentagon is that it's ground breaking ceremony, and beginning of construction, took place on SEPTEMBER 11th 1941. Of course, 911 has been the emergency phone number in the United States since the 1970's. What better way to start an era of a perpetual war, and a perpetual state of emergency, than using a date that was already numerically etched into the minds of people as a number associated with "EMERGENCY". Numerology and symbolism are very important to the occult, to which many of our leaders belong. And their main goal is a "New World Order", with them in charge. Why is the Number ‘11’ important? Occultists believe it is an important number of the coming Antichrist. God assigns the Number ‘11’ to Antichrist in Daniel 7:7-8.
If we are to believe the corporate media and military industrial war machine, 19 Arabs armed only with concealed Stanley Knife-type blades and pepper spray, and funded by Bin Laden, somehow changed the course of world history on 9-11-01, and that's the beginning and end of it. Given the close monitoring of Bin Laden by our intelligence community over the years leading up to the attacks, and the facts presented on this page, one could only conclude that they either knew about it in advance, and allowed it to happen, or actually covertly supported the attacks in order to get public support for their wars in in the middle east, and for the advancement of a police state here in America.

The Israeli secret service - the MOSSAD - warned the U.S. Government that a terrorist act was about to happen, yet our government did nothing in response. All of the warning flags were there, and the incriminating evidence is right in front of us. President Roosevelt once said that nothing happens in the political unless it is planned. As it was with the attack at Pearl Harbor, so it was with the 9-11 attacks. It was the EXTERNAL source needed to cause Americans to give up freedoms for security, and justify global wars that empower the hidden elite. And, like with Pearl Harbor, they recieved their catalyst on 9-11-2001 at the expense of thousands of American lives. Our own government now has license to spy on and intimidate American citizens, and the International War Machine is in high gear. These conditions exist because of September 11, 2001. The truth of what happened on that day would certainly be difficult for most people to accept. But it's a truth that needs to be understood before the NEXT 9-11, and before the next BIG LIE.

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Minum Pagi: 2 biji karipap + air suam
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Makan Malam: 1 pinggan mee goreng + 1 biji epal
Snek: 1 gelas susu penuh krim


Bangun Pagi: 1 gelas susu penuh krim
Sarapan: 3 keping roti + 2 sudu jem/kaya & marjerin + milo susu
Minum Pagi: 2 biji tauhu sumbat + air suam
Makan Tengahari: 1 mangkuk nasi + 2 ketul rendang ayam + 1/2 cawan sayur campur + 1/2 biji jambu batu + air suam
Minum Petang: 1 biji jagung kukus + nescafe tarik
Makan Malam: 1 keping roti nan, 1 ketul ayam tandoori, 1 mangkuk dhal, 1 gelas air lobak susu
Snek: 1 gelas susu penuh krim + 1 biji buah epal


Bangun Pagi: 1 gelas susu penuh krim
Sarapan: 1 mangkuk mee kari + 1 biji kuih keria + teh tarik
Minum Pagi: 2 keping kuih ketayap + air suam
Makan Tengahari: 3 potong pizza + 1 mangkuk salad + 1 gelas air sirap limau + 1 biji pisang emas
Minum Petang: 2 ketul vadai + teh o
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Minum Petang: 2 ketul pulut panggang + teh O
Makan Malam: 1 ketul burger + 1/2 cawan kentang goreng + 1 biji limau + 1 gelas air suam
Snek: 1 gelas susu penuh krim + 1 keping roti bakar


Bangun Pagi: 1 gelas susu penuh krim
Sarapan: 3 keping roti & 2 sudu marjerin + 1/2 cawan kacang panggang + 1 biji telur hancur + nescafe susu
Minum Pagi: 2 ketul kuih seri muka + air suam
Makan Tengahari: 1 cawan nasi briyani + 1 ketul ayam masak merah + 1/2 cawan sayur campur + 1 potong tembikai + 1 gelas air sirap limau
Minum Petang: 1 mangkuk bubur kacang hijau + teh O
Makan Malam: 1 keping capati + 1 ketul ayam masak kari + 1/2 cawan kobis goreng + 1 gelas air suam
Snek: 1 gelas susu penuh krim + 1 ketul burger


Bangun Pagi: 1 gelas susu penuh krim
Sarapan: 1 mangkuk lontong + 1 gelas jus oren
Minum Pagi: 3 keping biskut krim kraker + 1 gelas nescafe O
Makan Tengahari: 1 pinggan spagheti + 1 mangkuk salad + 1 biji pir + air suam
Minum Petang: 2 ketul puding roti + teh tarik
Makan Malam: 1 mangkuk nasi + 1 ekor ikan bakar + 1/2 cawan sup sayur + 1 gelas air buah
Snek: 1 gelas susu penuh krim + 1/2 biji buah jambu batu


Bangun Pagi: 1 gelas susu penuh krim
Sarapan: 1 keping roti telur + kuah dhal + 1 gelas teh tarik
Minum Pagi: 1 cawan yoghurt buah-buahan
Makan Tengahari: 1 mangkuk nasi ayam+ 1 ketul ayam + 1/2 cawan salad & timun + 1 gelas air sirap limau
Minum Petang: 1 pinggan rojak buah + 1 mangkuk ABC
Makan Malam: 1 pinggan mee bandung + 1 gelas air buah + 1/2 biji mangga
Snek: 1 gelas susu penuh krim + 2 keping roti bakar

** Boleh ditambah menu ini dalam diet anda 2 minggu sekali/ sebulan sekali atau dua kali (lebih 'cost'ly dan jika minat Western food untuk makan malam:

Isnin - Pizza (regular) 2/3 keping (atau yg seangkatan dengannya)
Selasa - 1 set McDonald's (atau yg seangkatan dengannya)
Rabu - 1 set menu Subway (atau yg seangkatan dengannya)
Khamis - 1 set menu KFC/ RFC (atau yg seangkatan dengannya)
Jumaat - 1 atau 2 keping kek Secret Recipe/ 1 set Pasta (atau yg seangkatan dengannya)
Sabtu - 1 set Kenny Rogers Roasters (atau yg seangkatan dengannya)
Ahad - Buah-Buahan Tempatan/ Luar Negara.

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Salam.. Hehe.. Ni saje saya ambil posting dari blog lain. Saje tuk kongsi-kongsi dengan pembaca blog ~ Dominasi Pertamaku // My First Domination ~ dan untuk mengingatkan diri tuk teruskan usaha menguruskan badan. Beri sokongan ye! ;-).


Bangun Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Sarapan: 1 mangkuk kecil oat & susu rendah lemak + air suam
Minum Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Makan Tengahari: 1 cawan nasi + 1 ketul ikan pari bakar dan air asam + 1 cawan ulam + 1 potong betik + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Petang: 3.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong 6.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong + 1/2 potong jagung rebus
Makan Malam: 1 keping roti nan + 1/2 ketul ayam tandoori + 4 sudu kuah dhal + 1/2 biji jambu batu + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Malam: 1 gelas air kosong

Bangun Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Sarapan: 1 keping thosai & dal + air suam
Minum Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Makan Tengahari: 1 cawan nasi + 1 mangkuk tomyam campur + 1/2 cawan sayur campur + 1 biji pisang emas + 1 gelas air sirap limau
Minum Petang: 3.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong 6.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong + 1 ketul tauhu sumbat
Makan Malam: 1 mangkuk salad + 1 potong tembikai + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Malam: 1 gelas air kosong

RabuBangun Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Sarapan: 1 mangkuk kecil bijirin sarapan pagi & susu rendah lemak + air suam
Minum Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Makan Tengahari: 1 cawan nasi + 1 ekor ikan masak pindang & kuah + 1/2 cawan tauhu goreng + 1/2 biji buah jambu batu + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Petang: 3.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong 6.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong + 1 biji pisang emas
Makan Malam: 1 keping capati + 2 ketul daging + 1/2 cawan dhal + 1 biji belimbing + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Malam: 1 gelas air kosong + 1/2 biji buah jambu batu

Bangun Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Sarapan: 1 keping thosai & dhal + air suam
Minum Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Makan Tengahari: 1 mangkuk mi sup-lebihkan sayur + 1 potong betik + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Petang: 3.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong 6.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong + 1 ketul pulut panggang
Makan Malam: 1 mangkuk yong tau foo-lebihkan sayur + 1/2 biji mangga + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Malam: 1 gelas air kosong + 1 potong tembikai

JumaatBangun Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Sarapan: 1 gelas minuman bijirin oat (4 sudu) & susu rendah lemak + air suam
Minum Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Makan Tengahari: 1 cawan nasi + 3 ketul daging masak kari + 1 cawan sayur campur + 6 biji anggur merah + 1 gelas air sirap limau
Minum Petang: 3.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong 6.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong + 1 biji epal
Makan Malam: 1 mangkuk sup sayur-tambahkan perencah seperti udang atau ayam + 1 biji mempelam + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Malam: 1 gelas air kosong

SabtuBangun Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Sarapan: 1 mangkuk soto ayam + air suam
Minum Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Makan Tengahari: 1 set sandwich-roti mil penuh & tanpa mayonis + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Petang: 3.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong 6.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong + 1 potong tembikai
Makan Malam: 1 cawan mi hailam-lebihkan sayur + 1 biji pisang emas + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Malam: 1 gelas air kosong + 1 cawan salad

AhadBangun Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Sarapan: 1 cawan mihun goreng + air suam
Minum Pagi: 1 gelas air kosong
Makan Tengahari: 1 cawan nasi ayam + 1 ketul ayam + 1/2 cawan salad/timun + 1 potong nanas + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Petang: 3.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong 6.00 petang: 1 gelas air kosong + 1 cawan jagung
Makan Malam: 1 mangkuk sup sayur + 1 biji pear + 1 gelas air kosong
Minum Malam: 1 gelas air kosong + 1 biji oren

-kurangkan atau elakkan mengambil nasi pada waktu malam
-elakkan dari makan malam selepas pukul 8.00-8.30 malam
-pilih bijirin sarapan pagi yang tinggi fiber
-campurkan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan kegemaran dalam salad
-susu yang digunakan adalah susu rendah lemak atau susu skim
-pilih kari tanpa santan atau jika kari bersantan, kurangkan pengambilan kuah
-nasi/mi goreng/hailam/sup/tomyam perlu dilebihkan sayur
-1 ketul ayam atau daging atau ikan merujuk kepada saiz 1 kotak mancis
-amalkan pengambilan air kosong sekurang-kurangnya 8 gelas sehari
-kurangkan minuman manis terutama kordial dan minuman berkarbonat

* Artikel daripada mila

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12 Tips Memulakan Tuisyen

Salam... Di sini ada juga lagi artikel tentang buat kerja sambilan part=time dengan membuat tuisyen. ;-) Moga ada info berguna untuk anda! Saya ambil artikel ini daripada sini.


Post kali ini eksklusif saya minta izin daripada Protege Berjaya SeminarTuisyen.Com batch awal dahulu iaitu Cikgu Hazaruddin yang masih lagi menjawat pangkat ‘Engineer‘ di Rawang.

Saya tak minta beliau menulis, tetapi saya minta izin daripada emel untuk saya ‘post’ kan di blog saya ini. Post ini adalah emel yang beliau berikan kepada seseorang yang minta pandangan dan pendapat beliau tentang tuisyen. Dan beliau ‘CC’ emel tersebut kepada saya.

Ini kandungan emel beliau yang saya langsung tak edit. Semoga anda yang membaca akan terbuka minda dan bermanfaat kepada semua. Tahniah saya ucapkan kepada Cikgu Hazar.


Tahniah kerana telah memilih jalan yang benar dan diberkati Allah
dunia dan akhirat untuk menjana pendapatan sampingan dengan
melakukan tuisyen, dimana anda menjadi cikgu, anda membimbing dan anda berkongsi
ilmu dengan pelajar-pelajar. InsyaALLAH.

Memang kebiasaannya, langkah pertama untuk melakukan sesuatu
pekerjaan itu adalah amat sukar. Walaubagaimanapun, jika kita dapat
memulakan langkah pertama, langkah seterusnya akan mudah dan saudari
akan terus berjalan dan berlari.

Saya, Master Yuz dan semua cikgu2 yang berjaya menjana pendapatan
lumayan dengan menjadi cikgu tuisyen sekarang ini, satu ketika dulu,
pernah menghadapi kesukaran untuk memulakan kelas pertama tuisyen
kami. Malu, tiada keyakinan, kekangan masa dan kenderaan merupakan
isu utama yang menjadi penghalang. Tetapi, kami dapat teruskan dan
berjaya menjana ribuan ringgit setiap bulan dengan hanya menjadi
cikgu tuisyen.

Cikgu perlu meletakkan sesuatu impian sebagai satu motivasi untuk
cikgu melakukan tuisyen. Semasa permulaan dulu, saya meletakkan
majlis perkahwinan saya sebagai satu impian yang perlu saya
relisasikan. Jadi, nak tak nak, saya perlu juga menjana wang
sampingan untuk menampung kehidupan seharian saya dan boleh
menyimpan RM1000 - RM2000 sebulan. Oleh yang demikian, saya buang
rasa malu, saya susun jadual dengan betul dan saya mulakan marketing
tuisyen dengan penuh semangat yang berkobar-kobar (sampai kuota saya
penuh dan tak dapat layan incoming job…he he he)

Saya yakin, cikgu pun boleh melakukannya, cuma cikgu kurang sokongan
memandangkan di JB cikgu tiada network atau kawan-kawan yang
beriltizam untuk menjadi cikgu tusyen melayu seperti cikgu. Jangan risau,
saya, MY dan cikgu2 di sini bersedia membantu. Jangan segan silu
untuk bertanya soalan dan masalah. InsyaALLAH, sama-sama kita
membantu antara satu dengan yang lain. Inilah yang dinamakan pakej
long life coaching yang dikatakan MY. Knowledge sharing menjadi
keutamaan dalam pakej ini. Pesan saya, tidak semua orang tau tentang
semua perkara.

12 Tips untuk memulakan menjadi cikgu tuisyen:

1. Anda perlu ada ilmu yang hendak diajar (cth: BM, MATH, ENGLISH,

2. Anda perlu ada minat. Ini adalah kerana anda akan menjana wang
berterusan dengan menjadi cikgu tuisyen kerana ada minat. Jika minat
tiada, anda akan mengeluh dipertengahan jalan.

3. Anda perlu ada transport. (kereta, motosikal, bas, teksi,
basikal). Kawan saya di Pasir Gudang pergi mengajar dengan menaiki
basikal coz student adalah area kawasan perumahan beliau.

4. Anda perlu market diri anda. Ini kerana, andalah produknya dan
anda perlu market produk itu untuk dijual. Jangan salah faham dengan
“statement” saya ni ok. Cara pemasaran untuk mendapat student adalah
melalui online dan offline. Sila rujuk nota MY. Jangan malu untuk
tampal iklan diri anda atau memasukkan pamplet diri anda ke dalam
peti surat.

5. First interview. Ini adalah sangat penting kerana ibu bapa atau
student akan menilai kita pada first interview ini sahaja. Gunakan
trick2 yang telah diajar oleh MY masa seminar. Keberanian perlu ada.
Tema saya semasa first interview ni adalah “REDAH JEEEEE…ada
rezeki adalah”…Melalui pengalaman saya, interview ada beberapa
cara, online (chating, email dan phone) dan meeting
(berjumpa).Kebanyakkan ibu bapa suka mengambil cikgu yang smart dan
simple. So pastikan kita memakai baju yang sopan dan menampakkan
diri kita sebagai seorang cikgu yang smart dan santai tetapi bukan
seorang budak pejabat (kemeja dengan tali leher!!!). Mula-mula
parent akan menanyakan samaada anda adalah cikgu tuisyen full time
ataupun tidak. Kemudian mereka akan bertanya harga yang anda
letakkan untuk sejam. Kemudian mereka akan ajak untuk berjumpa (2nd
interview) ataupun terus memulakan kerja sebagai cikgu tuisyen
dirumahnya. Diskusi yang lebih lanjut diperlukan dalam bahagian ini.

6. Anda perlu ada material pengajaran. Saya nasihatkan untuk anda
mendapatkan buku-buku rujukan terkini yang anda boleh perolehi di
semua kedai-kedai buku di seluruh negara. Jangan lupa juga buku
latihan. Menjadi satu kelebihan anda jika anda berkawan dengan kawan
yang bergelar cikgu sekolah kerajaan. Perkongsian yang menaikkan
kreadibiliti anda sebagai cikgu tuisyen akan berlaku jika anda pandai
menggunakan kawan-kawan anda itu. He he he.

7. Anda perlu ada skill mengajar dan membimbing. Ini memerlukan
sedikit masa dan kesabaran. Jika tiada skill, bina skill. Setiap
orang ada cara masing-masing. Cari gali cara anda dan practice
semasa sedang mengajar. Jangan risau dan takut jika anda terasa
macam salah. Teruskan dengan penuh keyakinan dan perbetulkan dari
semasa ke semasa. Sertai mana-mana kursus yang berkaitan dengan
teknik belajar untuk meningkatkan mutu pengajaran anda. Itupun kalau
anda ada masa. Kalau takde masa, di youtube, kita boleh search
banyak teknik-teknik yang interesting. Saya rasa banyak yang MY
telah ajar teknik-teknik mengajar semasa seminar. Praktikkan. Jangan
simpan buat pekasam. Diskusi lanjut diperlukan dalam bahagian ini.

8. Anda perlu ada skill untuk berkomunikasi dengan ibu-bapa.
Komunikasi ini penting untuk mewujudkan perhubungan yang agak rapat
dan mesra dengan ibubapa. Inilah senjata saya untuk mengekalkan
menjadi cikgu tuisyen kepada anak-anak ibu bapa tersebut yang
seterusnya. Maksudnya dari abang, kakak hinggalah ke adik yang
paling akhir sekali. Saya yang mengajar mereka. Macam dah jadi cikgu
personel dah. Selain dari itu, komunikasi yang baik juga boleh
dijadikan modal dalam menetworkkan nama kita. Selain dari itu
kemahiran komunikasi sangat penting untuk anda meminta/memberi
peringatan bayaran yuran bulanan. Anda fikir2kan, ataupun diskusi
lanjut diperlukan dalam bahagian ini.

9. Anda perlu ada rekod pengajaran. Hmmm…saya ada saya
punya…bagaimana pula dengan anda…Rekod ini sangat penting untuk
merekodkan progress pengajaran anda. Rekod yang berbentuk jadual
yang simple yang mempunyai bahagian, tarikh, perkara yang di ajar,
masa mula mengajar dan masa habis mengajar. Ingat, kita bukannya
seperti memory komputer yang bila click boleh keluar semua. Lu pikir
la sendiri. Bahagian ini penting untuk orang yang bekerja seperti

10. Anda perlu ada bussiness card, resit dan cop anda sebagai cikgu
tusyen. Jangan kedekut untuk buat semua ini. Tak sampai RM50 pun,
malah lagi rendah dari itu. Bussiness card adalah untuk marketing,
manakala resit adalah untuk menunjukkan kreadibiliti anda sebagai
cikgu tuisyen yang berkaliber dan jangan lupa cop rasmi anda pada
setiap resit bayaran anda. Ibu bapa akan lebih yakin dengan anda dan
jangan lupa, apabila ibu bapa yakin, maka tunggula nama anda untuk
dijual kepada kawan-kawan atau jiran-jiran tetangga. Saya sudah
merasainya, anda pula macam mana. Buat, jangan tak buat.

11. Anda perlu ada motivasi. Ini kerana kadang-kadang, sebagai cikgu
tusyen yang masih bekerja, waktu rehat itu adalah minimum. Saya
sudah merasainya. Selain dari itu, bersedialah dengan bisikan-
bisikan negatif dari dalam hati kita untuk tidak pergi mengajar pada
hari itu. Saya sudah merasainya. Cara yang efektif adalah dengan
mempunyai ketegasan diri dan semangat untuk mencapai impian yang
anda telah letakkan seperti yang saya bincangkan di peringkat awal
tadi. Tema saya sekali lagi “REDAH JEEEE”. Selain dari itu, sokongan
orang disisi anda juga boleh menjadikan anda bersemangat untuk
melakukan tuisyen. Contohnya isteri, suami (bagi yang sudah
berkahwin), ibubapa (bagi yang masih duduk dengan ibubapa) dan
kawan-kawan yang berfikiran positif, seperti saya. Jadi berkawanlah
dengan saya. He he he. Untuk motivasi tambahan, saya cadangkan
bacalah buku bertajuk “Menjadi Jutawan” karangan Sdr Azizi Ali.
Dalam buku itu ada membincangkan perkara mengenai kepentingan
menjana pendapatan sampingan. Anda akan bersemangat dan terus

12. Anda perlu ada jadual harian. Untuk yang bekerja seperti saya,
jadual harian sangat penting untuk anda mngurus masa 24jam yang
diberikan Allah kepada anda dengan optimum. Bersama-sama ini saya
sertakan jadual saya untuk panduan anda. Berbincang dengan ibubapa
atau pelajar untuk menyusun jadual anda agar ianya efektif untuk anda
dan juga student anda. Diskusi lanjut diperlukan dalam bahagian ini.

Anda perlu tahu bahawa menjadi Cikgu Tuisyen tidak susah seperti yang
digembar-gemburkan. Anda perlu cuba dahulu dan REDAH JE.

Selamat melakukan tuisyen daripada saya.


Cikgu Hazar
We Teach, We Help, We Care

P/S: Sila email, call atau sms saya jika anda memerlukan bantuan dan
panduan. Tidak ketinggalan juga jika anda kurang bermotivasi,
hubungi saya untuk anda mendapatkan motivasi yang boleh boostkan
jiwa raga anda untuk melakukan tuisyen. InsyaALLAH.

P/S: Anda perlu ingat, menjadi cikgu tuisyen bukanlah satu skim untuk
anda menjadi kaya raya dalam sekelip mata. Ini adalah salah satu
cara untuk anda menjana pendapatan sampingan bagi menampung
perbelanjaan dan menambah simpanan anda disamping anda membuat amal
ibadat (menyebar ilmu dan membantu generasi baru). Jika betul cara
anda menguruskan kewangan anda, mana tahu anda boleh menjadi Cikgu
Tusyen part time yang pertama yang bergelar jutawan!!! InsyaALLAH.

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Bagaimana Nak Mulakan Tuisyen-Bahagian 1

Salam a'laik... Di sini saya ada sertakan satu artikel tentang tuisyen -- saya ambil dari sini (untuk simpanan bacaan saya juga sebenarnya ni. hehehe.. Daripada save dalam laptop, lebih baik 'save' dalam blog, jimat ruang. ). Selamat membaca! ;-)

Saya sering diajukan soalan menerusi emel “Bagaimana saya hendak mulakan tuisyen? Saya langsung tiada pengalaman mengajar. Saya dah tinggalkan dunia belajar ni hampir 10 tahun yang lalu. Saya dah tak ingat dan perlu tengok semula buku-buku lama jika nak start tuisyen.”

Wahai kawan-kawan ku yang budiman. Segala perkara yang baru memang sukar dan payah untuk kita mulakan. Lebih-lebih lagi yang langsung tiada pengalaman. Ya, saya memang dan perlu akui hal ini.

Jika anda seorang bujang, tentu rasa kekok dan janggal di hari pertama bergelar suami/isteri. Lebih-lebih lagi di malam pertama :-)

Jika anda seorang lepasan SPM tentu rasa berdebar menjejakkan kaki kali pertama di Universiti berinteraksi dengan senior.

Dan jika anda pertama kali bertugas di tempat baru pasti anda akan mengambil masa untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan, kenalan baru dan kerja baru anda.

Saya juga tak nafikan jika anda pertama kali untuk memulakan tuisyen, pastinya akan berlaku konflik dalam diri anda untuk menghadirkan nilai konfiden dengan kerjaya baru ini. “Apa langkah pertama aku perlu lakukan?” ” Ada ke market tuisyen?” ” Argghh aku buntu tak tahu nak mula dari mana”.

Jawapannya saya kongsikan disini:

  1. Pilih Subjek yang boleh anda ajar. Contohnya masa waktu sekolah dulu anda meminati subjek Sejarah (kerana guru yang mengajar anda adalah antara wanita yang paling cantik di sekolah anda :-)) dan anda selalu score dalam subjek tersebut. Maka pilihlah subjek tersebut untuk anda kongsikan ilmu Sejarah kepada bakal pelajar anda.
  2. Lakukan persediaan pengajaran. Anda perlu tahu dan jelas topik apa yang anda nak ajarkan untuk kelas tuisyen yang pertama. Langkah terbaik, dapatkan sumber rujukan seperti buku rujukan, buku latihan, buku teks dan contoh nota ringkas yang memahamkan anda untuk peringkat asas.
  3. Sediakan material pengajaran seperti alat tulis, buku catatan & latihan, dan lain-lain. Jangan abai aspek ini kerana anda mungkin menghadapi masalah jika tidak menitik beratkan hal ini.
  4. Jika perlu, buat sedikit ‘Mock Trial’ dengan cuba mengajar anak, adik, kawan anda terlebih dahulu. Dan jika perlu juga, cuba ajar anak patung anda dan pastikan anda jelas dengan apa yang bakal anda ajarkan kepada bakal anak murid baru anda.
  5. Pastikan anda betul-betul konfiden untuk mengajar. Di sini aspek minat mengajar adalah menjadi keutamaan. Jika anda tak minat, maka anda pasti tersedak di pertengahan jalan dan seterusnya tersungkur di tepi jalan.
  6. Jika dah hadir minat dan konfiden, maka mula perkenalkan diri anda sebagai Cikgu Tuisyen. Saya tak pernah lagi terjumpa dengan Cikgu Tuisyen yang malu untuk mempromosikan diri. Gunakan kelebihan dan kekuatan yang ada pada diri anda. Saya percaya Tuhan Maha Adil untuk memberikan setiap insan di muka bumi ini mempunyai bakat, kelebihan dan keistimewaan masing-masing. Jadi gunakan dengan sekreatif dan sebaiknya.
  7. Lakukan promosi/marketing dengan cara yang Smart & Berkesan. Jangan terlampau excited tanpa mengira budget kos yang akan anda keluarkan. Dalam setiap method marketing yang anda lakukan, buat sedikit ‘post mortem’ kaedah mana yang amat produktif dan memberikan impak yang maksima.
  8. Selepas promosi, biasanya ‘Offer Job Tuition‘ mula menghampiri dan mencari anda. Jangan sia-siakan setiap Offer tersebut. Terima dan cuba dahulu offer yang diberikan. Offer/tawaran tak semestinya akan datang selalu.
  9. Buat temujanji dengan Offer yang telah anda terima. Pastikan temujanji menjadi kunci pengasih anda untuk dapat job tersebut.
  10. Mulakan tuisyen dengan lafaz Syukur. Anda telah menapak di dunia yang nyata dan telah sampai ke destinasi yang dituju. Teruskan…teruskan… dan anda akan diberikan pulangan yang pastinya berbaloi pada bulan yang berikutnya.
Oh kawan, alangkah gembiranya hati ini jika anda lakukan 10 step azimat ini dahulu. Seterusnya saya akan sambung di post yang akan datang. Bak kata pepatah, langkah tangga pertama dahulu baru langkah tangga yang berikutnya. Saya akan cuba memberikan panduan berguna kepada anda. Maka wahai sekalian anak muridku, lakukan dahulu apa yang cikgu ajarkan ini

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