Inia's Malay Muslim Birthday Testimonial

Peace be upon you LIGHTs!

Well, people celebrated birthdays everyday... Generally, it is good in wishing a person a good wish as what we say can be considered as a prayer and blessings. In Islam, it is good to remind each other about being a Muslim. I mean, though that it is not encouraged in the religious (a friend of mine really stressed and bold this issue to me - that celebrating and wishing a person's birthday is not a Muslim practice), it is not wrong to wish our lovely friend upon the prayers citation upon a person's birthday. Here, I have made a Birthday testimonial to be shared with all of my LIGHTs! ;)

Feel free to wish your friend a Happy Birthday (in Malay, I will make the English version later on ;) ) throughout your Friendster or Myspace or related to the community website. Happy belated Birthday and Happy Birthday to all of you! (and me too of course! ;) )

Copy & Paste “Doa Hari Lahir Untuk Kamu” Testimonial code below to your profile or website

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Oh My Soulmate!

Peace be upon you Lights! ;)

Haha.. I'm all excited now. Why? Because I'm going to travellllll!! Yeahhh... Haha... This is the very important point in my life (well, it is the feeling of mine after being 21 years old 4 days ago, sort of seeking 'independent' matter). I love travelling! I love it when new experiences, new people and new person I am to be met! Before this, I was limited by the 'authority power' of my parents, and I was only travelling by involving in the activities of my schools and college in extra-curricullar courses. ;) I'm going to Kelantan this Sunday to meet my married fellow friend who i mentioned in my previous blog entry and to make a tour for a few days (maybe for 3 days) in Kota Bharu area. :D

I'm still feeling "Please Don't Stop the Music" by Rihanna.
I'm feeling energertic and excited! Tremendous feeling of motivation (plus excitement) is streaming in my blood vessels. ;) This is the motivation into emerging the new Inia as for me, starting JUNE 2008, I will make paradigm shifts to make my dreams come trueeeeee!

Well, personally, I'm wishing and praying to my dear friend (Hanisah in Kelantan and Mahani in Pahang) a happy Marriage until the end of their life. All of the sudden, when I looked at the wedding invitation card, I'm feeling a little bit adult now. Encountering the marriage and love life are sure the most 'important' stage in a person's life. In a plot of a story, it is called as the Climax (though that they are many other challenges will come thoughout a marriage).

Hmm.. Now I'm worried a bit about my love life... Will I found my Soulmate?? The person who will love me endlessly until the end of my life?? Well, for me, love, marriage and aspects that related to it; are a platform of having a good life in this world and hereafter. Finding a soulmate is not an easy task. Some people need to face many challenges and difficulties before he/she meet with his/her true love (is a true love can be said as our Soulmate? I wonder about this matter really).

I had read an article about Soulmate in a teen magazine, dated three years ago, back-dated in year 2005 about Soulmate. Though that this article is not exactly can be taken or regarded as our main anchor in our believe, well, at least it could be a base or foundation upon knowing and finding our soulmate. This article was written in Malay, so I have spent some time into the translation of it so that the information could be shared universally with all of my lovely LIGHTS! ;)

Apakah Si Dia ‘Soulmate’mu?

“Dua jiwa yang hangat bercinta dan dirasakan bakal bersatu pasti memiliki ikatan emosional, spiritual dan fizikal antara keduanya. Dengan merenung anak mata atau mendengar suaranya, kamu akan merasakan getarannya. Pernahkah kamu merasainya dan benarkah seperti itu?”

Rahsia sepasang kekasih terus berkekalan sehingga ke jinjang pelamin ialah dengan adanya persefahaman antara kamu. Kamu dan si dia saling membantu dalam segala urusan, baik kecil dan remeh atau besar. Paling penting ialah kamu berdua selalu dapat melalui segala aspek kehidaupan serta susah senang bersama. Dan semuanya terasa amat menyenangklan meskipun tanpa melibatkan orang lain. Apakah kamu sudah merasakan perkara tersebut? Jika ya, selamat, kerana ada harapan bahawa si dia adala calon teman hidupmu!

Seterusnya persoalan yangn harus kamu fikirkan ialah ‘Adakah si dia mempunyai kemampuan untuk bersikap bersahaja di depanmu?’. Cuba kamu perhatikan, apakah gerak-gerinya, cara berpakaian, gaya rambutnya, cara berbicara serta tertawanya dan apa-apa sahaja tentang dirinya. Apakah setiap ucapannya selalu tampak spontan dan tidak dibuat-buat? Jika tidak, maaf kemungkinan besar dia bukan jodoh kamu!

Adakah gerak hati dan nalurimu membuatkan kamu saling dapat menduga apa yang ingin si dia kata atau lakukan? Sekiranya kamu saling dapat membaca fikiran dan menduga reaksi serta perasaan antara satu sama lain pada situasi tertentu. Selamat! Sebenarnya dialah destinasi kebahagiaan kamu…

Tanda yang seterusnya ialah, bila kamu bersamanya, kamu nerasa tenang, selesa dan tanpa perasaan tertekan. Berjam-jam bersamanya, setiap waktu dan setiap hari kamu sedikit pun tidak berasa bosan. Inilah tanda-tanda awal bahawa kamu berdua akan terus bersama.

Sama ada kamu senang, susah, sedih dan gembira si dia sentiasa ada bersamamu. Dia memahamimu sama ada kamu berada dalam keadaan sedih atau tidak. Apakah dia orang pertama yang datang memberi bantuan tatkala kamu dirundung musibah? Dia tahu bila kamu sakit? Dia tahu bila emosi kamu terganggu? Jika ya jawapan kamu, tidak syak lagi, dialah orangnya…

Macam mana, adakah si dia ‘soulmate’ kamu? Kalu semua yang disenaraikan itu tidak ‘terkena’ dengan kamu, sabar ya, jangan cepat menggelabah. Terimalah seadaanya…

Is he/ she Your Soulmate?

A couple who are in love and a good sign of the relationship ‘sailing smoothly’ towards the isle of Marriage; is when there’s a feeling of engagement between them, a posession over a kind of bond, either emotionally, spiritually or physically. With only staring or hearing his/her eyes and voice, you will feel a petty of vibration within yourself. Have you ever experienced this kind of feeling and does it like that?

The secret of a happy couple until the marriage stage lies within an aspect feeling of bonding, that is UNDERSTANDING. You and your loved one help each other a lot in every matter, either in big or small. All aspects of life are within you and your loved one’s hand without interference over a third person; both of you dealing difficulties and happiness together and it doesn’t feel like a burden at all. Do you feel this kind of feeling in your relationship? If you answered yes, it is a good sign that he/she is your future husband/wife!

The next thing to be thought is ‘Is he/she able to ACT NATURAL in front of you?’. Try to observe his/her acts like the dress ups, the way he/she walks, the hairstyle, how he/she speaks/ laugh or anything else about his/her behaviours. Does every speech he/she made is spontaneous or is it the other way? If your couple is able to act natural in front of you, it is a good sign of a smooth relationship.

Is your instict always make you know what your couple tries to say or do? If a couple were able to read each other’s mind or acts in some situations, it is in fact a sign that he/she is your happy destination.

The next sign of being with a soulmate is that when you are with him/her, you will feel calm, comfort and relax. You will not feel bored spending hours or days or months or years of time with him or her. This is a good sign that you both will be together and forever in future.

Whether you are happy, sad, troubled or stressed, he/she is always there for you. He/she understands and knows whether you are in difficulties or at ease. Is he/she is the first person to give you a helping hand whenever that you are in trouble? He/she knows when you are sick? He/she knows when you are stressed? If you answered yes, there you are… your soulmate is here.

So? With all of the sign above, do you feel that your couple is your soulmate? If it happens that the signs were not there in your loved one, just be patient and accept him/her the way he/she is. Love is in fact blind and beautiful!

Article source: ‘Apakah Si Dia Soulmatemu’ by Sue Mohd Nor – Remaja 15 Feb 2005. Translated in English by Inia Lurun Sophie.

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Fenomena Halo di Kuantan // Halo phenomenon in Kuantan

Kuantan, PAHANG: Kebiasaannya apa yang sering disaksikan di langit adalah pelangi. Tetapi bagi penduduk sekitar Kuantan, apa yang mereka saksikan bukan pelangi tetapi satu fenomena alam luar biasa yang mungkin tidak pernah dilihat. Kejadian kira-kira pukul 4.30 petang itu menyaksikan gelungan cahaya jingga yang tebal dan perlahan-lahan terbias sekitar kelompok awan cerah yang hampir diliputi awan mendung. Fenomena itu berlaku dalam tempoh antara lima hingga 10 minit sebelum keseluruhan kelompok awan menjadi mendung.

Lebih menghairankan, setengah jam kemudian awan gelap turut hilang dan suasana kembali normal.Jurucakap Jabatan Kajicuaca yang dihubungi berkata, fenomena berkenaan dinamakan ‘Fenomena Halo’ yang berlaku apabila cahaya matahari terserak oleh gumpalan awan.

(petikan Berita Harian)

Kuantan, PAHANG: It is normal to see a rainbow over the sky. As for the Kuantan people, it was not the latter they had seen, but a very rare phenomenon of the nature. The phenomenon had happenned around 4.30 p.m. where there was a thick optical purple-coloured light, appeared on top of a cumulonimbus cloud, which later had slowly reflected and dispersed around cumulonimbus cloud into the cirrus cloud. The rare phenomenon was in display at the sky in about 5 to 10 minutes before it turned into a black-cloudy cloud.

Amazingly, after half an hour, the cloudy cloud were gone and the sky was clear and back to normal. A spokeperson from Meteorological Centre was contacted and they claimed the phenomenon happened is known as Halo (optical phenomenon).

(source: Berita Harian (May 4th, 2008). Translated by Inia Lurun Sophie)
It is the God's Beautiful Creation -- Halo (Optical Phenomenon)
Peace be upon you Lights! ;)

I had witnessed the beautiful phenomenon by my own eyes. It was very beautiful, really. I was in my dormitory in Kuantan and I was heading to the ladies that evening when suddenly a coursemate of mine was screaming towards me excitedly asking whether I could lend her my phone to capture the picture of the scenery. As I myself is interested in the beautiful phenomenon of nature, I rushed back to my dormitory and took the phone. I myself was amazed by its pretty and I had captured several pictures to keep. Soon after that, our interest of the rare phenomenon had made the dormitory become excited and some students surrounded us too, to share their amazement with us. These are the pictures I managed to capture while the phenomenon was happening:

More Information about Halo (Optical phenomenon) from Wikipedia

A halo (λως; also known as a nimbus, icebow or Gloriole) is an optical phenomenon that appears near or around the Sun or Moon, and sometimes near other strong light sources such as street lights. There are many types of optical halos, but they are mostly caused by ice crystals in cold cirrus clouds located high (5–10 km, or 3–6 miles) in the upper troposphere. The particular shape and orientation of the crystals is responsible for the type of halo observed. Light is reflected and refracted by the ice crystals and may split up into colors because of dispersion, similarly to the rainbow.

Sometimes in very cold weather optical halos are formed by crystals close to ground level, called diamond dust. The crystals behave like jewels, refracting and reflecting sunlight between their faces, sending shafts of light in particular directions.

Atmospheric phenomena such as halos were used as an empirical means of weather forecasting before meteorology was developed.

Other common optical phenomena involving water droplets rather than ice crystals include the glory and the rainbow.

Light pillar

Sun pillar near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.
Sun pillar near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.
Main article: Light pillar

A light pillar, or sun pillar, appears as a vertical pillar or column of light rising from the sun near sunset or sunrise, though it can appear below the sun, particularly if the observer is at a high elevation or altitude. Hexagonal plate- and column-shaped ice crystals cause the phenomenon. Plate crystals generally cause pillars only when the sun is within 6 degrees of the horizon, or below it; column crystals can cause a pillar when the sun is as high as 20 degrees above the horizon. The crystals tend to orient themselves near-horizontally as they fall or float through the air, and the width and visibility of a sun pillar depends on crystal alignment.

Light pillars can also form around the moon, and around street lights or other bright lights. Pillars forming from ground-based light sources may appear much taller than those associated with the sun or moon. Since the observer is closer to the light source, crystal orientation matters less in the formation of these pillars.


22 degrees halo around the Moon
22 degrees halo around the Moon
Icebow over the Kluane Range viewed from the Alaska Highway
Icebow over the Kluane Range viewed from the Alaska Highway

An icebow is phenomenon similar to a rainbow except that it is formed by the refraction of sunlight through cloud suspended ice crystals as opposed to raindrops or other liquid water suspended in the air. Generally the appearance is as arc sections as opposed to a full circle. Brighter sections usually occur above, below, and lateral to the center (where the sun is visible). These bright areas are referred to as "sun dogs," "parhelia" (plural), or mock suns because of their bright appearance and possible confusion with the actual location of the sun. Those icebows that are caused by very small ice crystals are one colour, because diffraction blurs the colours together. A 22 degree icebow has red on the inside and blue on the outside.

A diffraction disc or Airy disc has similar appearance, but is a disk, rather than a ring, and has a red border on the inside. Its size depends on the size of the ice or water particles that cause it. These are also known as coronas, but are not to be confused with the thin streaming luminous gas that makes up the sun's own corona.

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