*info untuk ingatan diri  sendiri dari group whatsapp

Sujud melibatkan 5 anggota badan yang bertumpu pada bumi, yaitu:
- dahi
- hidung
- kedua telapak tangan
- lutut
- kedua hujung kaki (jari)

Sujud adlh konsep
- merendahkan diri,
- memuji Allah SWT &
- memohon segala macam hajat kepada Allah swt.

- sifat tercela seperti
   sombong, riya',ujub,
   takabur dll.

Dr Fidelma O'Leary,Phd Neuroscience dari St Edward's University, telah menjadi mu'allaf, krna mendapati fakta tentang manfaat sujud bagi kesehatan.

Dalm kajiannya ditemukan bahwa ada beberapa urat saraf di dalam otak manusia yg tidak dimasuki darah & urat ini hnya dimasuki darah ketika manusia brsujud.

Ttapi urat saraf ini hnya mmerlukan darah untuk bberapa saat trtentu saja, yaitu pada waktu2 solat yang telah ditetapkn (subuh, zuhur, asar, maghrib & Isya').

Jadi,siapa yang tidak solat maka urat ini tidak mnerima darah shingga otaknya tidak brfungsi scara normal.

Salah satu indikasinya adalh timbul macam2 gejala sosial di masyarakat yg tidak solat saat ini.

Krena letak otak diatas jantung,maka kata Prof Hembing, jantung hnya mampu mnyalurkan 20% darah ke otak manusia, maka dibantu lagi dengan sujud yang lebih lama agar dapat mnambah kekuatan aliran darah ke otak.

Hal ini sesuai dengan apa yang disampaikn Rasulullah saw,supaya kita sujud brlama-lama pada raka'at terakhir.

Manfaat sujud berlama-lama ini adalah untuk:
1. Mncegah pening
2. Terhindar migrain
3. Mnyegarkan otak
4. Menajamkan akal &
     fikiran (lebih sensitif)
5. Melonggarkan sistem
6. Mmperbaiki kandung
      rahim yang turun
7. Mnjaga & menguatkan
     kedudukan bayi dalam
8. Mnghindarkan
    kandungan sungsang
    & lain lain.

& yang mnakjubkan, jk kita mmperhatikan,bntuk saraf yang ada dlm otak kita brbentuk sprti orang yang sdg sujud


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Interview SPP perguruan Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan DG41 2017

Interview SPP perguruan Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan DG41 2017 for TESL graduates

Assalamualaikum and good day to you! 
I believe that you might be nervous or a little "panic" while reading this post in preparation for the Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan DG41 (PPP DG41)'s interview. I will be sharing with you the interview experience of mine for Teaching as a Second Language (TESL) major field of study.

Kindly be informed that this post is long and please bear with me guys in reading my knowledge sharing  I am informing you that my sharing will be in mixed topic that will come in jumbled points  I will be updating this post from time to time too, whichever I think is appropriate and needed to be edited ✌thank you

It is 12.20 p.m. , Tuesday, September 12, 2017. I am writing this blog fresh to put as much input as I can from the interview. Good luck! 

Venue of interview: SPP building, Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM), Putrajaya. (Free public parking is available along Laman Perdana that is situated next to JPM and it is nearer to the gate we interviewees should head in while RM1/hr parking is situated in front of the main gate of JPM. It is advised that you arrive before 8 a.m. to avoid traffic congestions)

Interview time: 9.30 a.m. (the security officer will not let the interviewees of session 10.30 a.m. and above to get in to avoid crowds)

Interview Date: 12/09/2017 ( I received an SMS on Saturday 11: 38 p.m. from SPP stated: "RM0.00 SPP: Sukacita dimaklumkan tuan/puan adalah dimohon untuk membuat semakan panggilan temu duga dengan segera di laman web").

Before The Interview
- Check the SPP's website for your interview invitation.
- Print out the list of document and prepare the original and endorsed copies of your certificates.
- If you had involved in numerous co-curricular activities throughout your secondary and tertiary studies, kindly only chose three to four certificates to be photocopied. I photocopied almost all my 30+ certificates and believe me, the admin said to only take out the " Sijil Penghargaan" (That time I know that there's a difference between Sijil Penyertaan and Sijil Penghargaan. Sijil Penghargaan has a higher value in the government interviews) and other most significant certifications that you have. Seems like I wasted some pennies and time there in photocopying and arranging the certs' in order.
- Kindly clip temporarily (not staple) all your copied and endorsed certs together because the "admin" will later take only the relevant documents from you.

Interview Day
Dr Mas*** & Puan K***** (not real name)

I was highly touched by the one-hour-and-a-half interview session. I love the experience and knowledge sharings of the interviewers during and after the interview and I love hearing ideas and answers  from the other candidates as well because personally I am regarding this interview as a "knowledge sharing" session. 

There were eight interviewees from different universities. In my readings from the other blogs, the maximum interviewees were five candidates. I was the only one who was wearing baju kurung without a blazer and nametag due to unforeseen circumstances (maybe my marks will not be that good in term of personality/attire).

Sharings from the interviewers and topics asked/ discussed.
Code switching between English and Malay during the interview; if you were asked in Malay, kindly answer in Malay and vice versa.
If you were to become a teacher, please:
- focus on polishing each and every student to become an established person in their own unique personalities, not educating in mass.
- be a teacher who is always in progress; who makes a difference. One of the interviewers shared that when you're in service for quite some time, you will feel 'boring' and to avoid that, take courses to improve ourselves personally and professionally. Holidays and working are different (please remember not to focus too much on going holidays overseas. It can be good to release your stress after much works. However, if we can be a teacher who thinks about our students, we can make use the money we have to make small 'sacrifices' to help students): teachers should focus more on students. Sacrifices and passion to teach will mold students' personalities and it will make a difference. (I almost cried during this sharing session of the interviewers' experience as teachers - how sacrifices of teachers help students not only academically but personally as well. The seeds that receive nurturing of ample soil(environment), watering, lights and fertilizers will grow to give back to society by giving out oxygen and fruits/flowers.. well I might exaggerate a little in this gardening part 😆😂.
- How do we know that our Lesson Outcomes (LOs ) are achieved? One of the tips is to ask the low proficiency learners before we end of class.
- What is PPP DG41
- Probation teacher :  issues (stealing, drug abuse & sexual harassment) , how long in probation, what to do in probation : focus on students, motivation, passionate, good attitude, humble, learn from the senior teachers
- ICT usage among Z generation : what are the advantages and disadvantages, how do we make use of the ICT to utilise it in lessons.
-  What uniform unit you want to choose in school?
- What club or society you want to choose?
- There were some application questions of pedagogy. Example of question: You teach 2 Bestari class. There are low proficiency students and high proficiency students- they can't get along and it affects the group work tasks. What would you do?
- Use imagination to teach, creativity. Imagination is free.
In overall, no specific facts (e.g.: list all the national education blueprints) or specific general knowledge were asked. At times we laughed in the interview session too when the interviewer(s) made funny statements. I startled a lot because I couldn't contain my nervousness. My bad
⛄⛄⛄ be continued

**Update: 14 November 2019, Thursday.
#by tonight before 5.30am tmrw morning need to finish mark 40 papers, the day after tmrw will need to come early to school as that Saturday will be our 'Canteen Day' and as PIC of a stall need to prepare the stall, the next day Sunday need to manage the school Teacher's club family day event, then next week need to again, mark the exam papers of five classes, to finish marking the other exam's marking as well,  invigilate the SPM at other school, need to finish strategic planning,operational and tactical plan for curriculum and HEM unit for 2020, relook at lesson plans, check students' APDM info for next year's data as a homeroom teacher so that some students can get scholarship for parents earning below some numbers, end of year meeting on the last day of school (but then, still have responsibility of invigilating the SPM,so no holiday yet for me until maybe end of November 2019#  these are things a teacher needs  to do #expect a stressful and busy lifestyle when you are a teacher. However, this is for building the nation's assets - STUDENTS 殺❤️ or I personally like to call them little caliphs ☺️爐

Alhamdulillah I passed the interview and got posted to Sabah. Although, my first choice of placement was Putrajaya and second was Kuala Lumpur. My rizqi is in Sabah. It was my first time in Sabah when I first touched the footsteps in KKIA. I've never been here and my first footstep in Sabah is as a teacher. There were no 'warrant' or assemblement of the new teachers from the Peninsular. I went to Sabah with personal financing. On Sunday arrived in Kota Kinabalu. My mother and I met with her schoolmate and resided in Menggatal for one night. The next day we went to SPI first to meet with Ustaz K and afterwards alhamdulillah my mom's friend said that she'd send us to the school with her husband.   
I'm currently teaching in an SMKA. My reporting day was 5 February 2018. I went for Program Transformasi Minda (PTM) in July 2019 and still waiting whether I'll be confirmed to the position of DG41. According to an administrator of my school,  before 5 February 2021 I should check the progress of my confirmation. May all affairs end with goodness amin.. my mother always pray that I'll get the confirmation ☺️

 May all our affairs end with goodness and I wish a very good luck to all future teachers, especially TESL graduates. Now we are CEFR and PAK21 oriented, so make use of PAK21 in microteaching while in university (eg: traffic light, gallery walk, talking chips etc.). Mastering the PAK21 before the actual teaching in school helps a lot in our classroom management.

Alright, until then. Thanks for reading my humble,small experience as a new teacher. Good luck for all our future endeavours. May all teachers be blessed for all the sacrifices and toils. 爐 Assalamualaikum.

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#from wasap group for my later reading

1. Semua orang boleh jual Nasi Lemak RM1. Apa yang membezakan mereka ialah business model yang digunakan.

2. Mak Cik Minah jual Nasi Lemak RM1 dengan letak bilis dan telur sehiris saja. Dia position-kan Nasi Lemak RM1 dia sebagai Nasi Lemak Ekonomi.

3. Sementara Pak Ali menjual Nasi Lemak RM1 dengan letak bilis dan telur yang agak banyak. Setelah tolak harga bahan mentah, dia tak untung apa-apa. Balik modal saja. Sebaliknya dia menawarkan lauk kerang, daging dan ayam sebagai lauk tambahan. Dia "buat untung" di sini.

4. Puan Aslina yang buka budget hotel juga menjual Nasi Lemak RM1 di kafe beliau. Nasi Lemak RM1 Puan Aslina ada ayam. Puan Aslina "memang rugi" jual nasi lemak berlauk begitu. Bagaimanapun, kafe di hotel dia menjual teh tarik berharga RM10 segelas.

5. Cik Aini menjual Nasi Lemak RM1 kepada hotel, restoran dan stesen minyak. Setiap satu nasi lemak untung tak banyak. Bagaimanapun, oleh kerana Cik Aini menjual secara B2B, dia dapat menjual dengan jumlah yang besar.

6. Nampak kan pelbagai cara bagaimana usahawan "buat duit" dengan Nasi Lemak RM1.

7. Ini dinamakan business model. Apabila kita buat business model, kita bangunkan strategi bisnes - bukan isi sembilan kotak kosong BMC!

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