Panduan Untuk Hidup Yang Lebih Baik dari buku "The Last Lecture" (2007, Ahmad Zamri)

Salam.. saya mendapat perkongsian ilmu melalui WhatsAppbdan rasa bagus berkongsi sesama pembaca blog sekalian :) Moga bermanfaat amin..

En Ahmad Zamri 47 tahun, seorang Pensyarah Sains Komputer dari Malaysia Dia meninggal dunia disebabkan oleh kanser pankreas pada 2008, tetapi dia menulis buku "The Last Lecture" pada 2007. Suatu legasi yang dia tinggalkan.

Dalam suratnya kepada isteri dan anak-anaknya, Didi Lokman, dan Cici dia menulis satu panduan yang sangat baik, "Panduan Untuk Hidup Yang Lebih Baik" untuk isteri dan anak-anaknya.

Bagaimana untuk memperbaiki hidup anda.

1. Jangan bandingkan hidup anda dengan orang lain. Anda mungkin tidak tahu bagaimana perjalanan hidup mereka.

2. Jangan mempunyai pemikiran negatif terhadap benda yang kamu tidak boleh kawal. Sebaliknya, tumpukan tenaga anda terhadap benda yang positif yang anda miliki pada masa ini.

3. Jangan terlebih buat apa yang anda mampu. Cukuplah setakat yang anda mampu.

4. Jangan terlalu serius terhadap diri anda. Tiada siapa yang berbuat demikian.

5. Jangan bazirkan tenaga anda terhadap gossip.

6. Berfikir lebih jauh bila anda masih terjaga.

7. Iri hati adalah sia-sia. Kamu sudah mempunyai semua yang kamu perlukan.

8. Lupakan perkara yang sudah lepas. Jangan ungkit kesilapan pasangan anda di masa lampau. Ianya akan menghancurkan kegembiraan anda di masa kini.

9. Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk membenci sesiapa. Hindarkan daripada membenci sesiapa.

10. Berdamailah dengan masa lalu kamu supaya ia tidak akan merosakkan masa sekarang kamu.

11. Tiada siapa yang mengawal kegembiraan kamu selain dari kamu sendiri.

12. Ketahuilah bahawa hidup ini ialah seperti sekolah dan kamu di sini untuk belajar. Masalah ialah salah satu dari kurikulum yang akan muncul dan pergi seperti kelas algebra, tetapi pengajarannya akan kamu pegang seumur hidup kamu.

13. Senyum dan tertawa selalu.

14. Kamu tidak perlu menang setiap pertengkaran. Setuju untuk tidak setuju.

15. Hubungi keluarga kamu selalu.

16. Beri sesuatu yang baik untuk orang lain setiap hari.

17. Maafkan orang lain.

18. Luangkan masa untuk orang yang berumur 70 tahun ke atas dan 6 tahun ke bawah.

19. Pandangan orang lain terhadap kamu bukan urusan kamu.

21. Pekerjaan kamu tidak akan menjaga kamu bila kamu sakit tetapi keluarga kamu akan menjaga kamu. Selalu berhubung.

22. Dahulukan Tuhan dalam segala yang kamu fikir, katakan dan buat.

23. Tuhan itu penyembuhan.

24. Buat perkara yang betul.

25. Bagaimana baik atau buruk pun situasi sekarang, ia akan berubah.

26. Bagaimanapun yang kamu rasa, bangun, salin pakaian dan pergi.

27. Yang terbaik akan datang kemudian.

28. Buang apa yang tidak berguna atau yang tidak menggembirakan.

29. Bila kamu terjaga di waktu pagi, bersyukur kepada Tuhan.

30. Kalau kamu kenal Tuhan kamu akan gembira selalu. Jadi, bergembiralah selalu.

Apabila kamu mengamalkan kesemua di atas, kongsikanlah pengetahuan ini dengan orang yang kamu sayangi, orang di sekolah kamu, orang yang kamu selalu bermain bersama, orang yang kamu kerja bersama, dan orang yang tinggal bersama kamu. Bukan sahaja ianya akan memperbaiki hidup anda, tetapi juga orang di sekeliling anda.

Menarik utk dikongsikn bersama...

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10 Common Presentation Mistakes Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Your Presentations

10 Common Presentation Mistakes

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Your Presentations

Source of article:
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© iStockphoto
Most of us have experienced dull, irrelevant, or confusing presentations. But think back to the last really great presentation you saw – one that was informative, motivating, and inspiring. Wouldn't you love to be able to present like that?
This article looks at 10 of the most common mistakes that speakers make when giving presentations. By avoiding these, you'll make your presentations stand out – for all of the right reasons, and none of the wrong ones.

Mistake 1: Not Preparing Enough

Steve Jobs was a famously inspiring speaker. His speeches may have looked effortless, but, in reality, each one took days or weeks of preparation.
Careful preparation is essential. The amount of time you spend on planning depends on your situation, but it's a good idea to start early – you can never be too well-prepared.
Proper preparation also helps you manage presentation nerves . When you know your material inside and out, you're far less likely to feel nervous. Our presentation planning checklist  and Bite-Sized Training session on "Giving Better Presentations" can help you plan your next event properly.

Mistake 2: Not Familiarizing Yourself With the Venue and Equipment

Imagine that your presentation starts in an hour. You arrive at the venue and, to your horror, the projector won't work with your laptop. The slides you spent hours preparing are useless. This is a disaster!
You can avoid a situation like this by taking time to familiarize yourself with the venue and available equipment at least once before your presentation.
Often, the sort of problems that can jeopardize your presentation will be situations beyond your control, but this doesn't mean that you are helpless. Conduct a risk analysis  to identify potential issues, and come up with a good "Plan B"  for each one.

Mistake 3: Ignoring Your Audience

Sometimes, speakers can get so wrapped up in delivering their presentations that they forget about the needs of their audience.
Start your presentation by telling your audience what to expect. Let them know what you will cover first, whether and when you'll stop for a break, if you'll be taking questions during the presentation, and so on.
Providing these "signposts" up front will give your audience a clear idea of what to expect, so that they can relax and concentrate on your presentation.

Mistake 4: Using Inappropriate Content

The primary purpose of any presentation is to share information with others, so it's important to consider the level you will pitch it at.
Do some research on your audience. Why are they here? How much do they already know about your topic, and what do they most want to learn from you? It's no use giving a presentation that is so full of jargon  that no one understands you. But you wouldn't want to patronize people, either.
Try to put yourself in people's shoes, to get a clearer idea about their needs and motivations. You can also greet individuals as they arrive on the day, and askquestions  to get a feel for their level of knowledge. This will also help you to personalize your presentation and make a connection with each person in your audience, so that they'll be more attentive to what you say.

Mistake 5: Being Too Verbose

Short, concise presentations are often more powerful than verbose ones. Try to limit yourself to a few main points. If you take too long getting to your point, you risk losing your audience's attention.
The average adult has a 15- to 20-minute attention span, so, if you want to keep your audience engaged, stick to the point! During the planning phase, make a note of the themes you want to cover and how you want to get them across. Then, when you start filling out the details, ask yourself: "Does my audience really need to know this?"
Our articles on the 7 Cs of Communication  and Communications Planning  have more tips for communicating in a clear, concise way.

Mistake 6: Using Ineffective Visuals

Poor slides can spoil a good presentation, so it's worth spending time getting yours right.
We've all seen slides with garish colors, unnecessary animation, or fonts that are too small to read. The most effective presentation visuals  aren't flashy – they're concise and consistent.
When choosing colors, think about where the presentation will take place. A dark background with light or white text works best in dark rooms, while a white background with dark text is easier to see in a brightly lit room.
Choose your pictures carefully, too. High-quality graphics can clarify complex information and lift an otherwise plain screen, but low quality images can make your presentation appear unprofessional. Unless an image is contributing something, embrace the negative space – less clutter means greater understanding. Use animation sparingly, too – a dancing logo or emoticon will only distract your audience.

Mistake 7: Overcrowding Text

The best rule of thumb for text is to keep it simple . Don't try to cram too much information into your slides. Aim for a maximum of three to four words within each bullet point, and no more than three bullets per slide.
This doesn't mean that you should spread your content over dozens of slides. Limit yourself to 10 slides or fewer for a 30-minute presentation. Look at each slide, story, or graph carefully. Ask yourself what it adds to the presentation, and remove it if it isn't important.

Mistake 8: Speaking Incoherently

Even though we spend a significant part of the day talking to one another, speaking to an audience is a surprisingly difficult skill, and it's one that we need to practice.
If nerves make you rush through a presentation, your audience could miss your most important points. Use centering  or deep breathing  techniques to suppress the urge to rush. If you do begin to babble, take a moment to collect yourself. Breathe deeply, and enunciate each word clearly, while you focus on speaking more slowly.
Our article on better public speaking  has strategies and tips that you can use to become a more engaging speaker. One useful technique is storytelling  – stories can be powerful tools for inspiring and engaging others. Our Expert Interviews withAnnette Simmons and Paul Smith have tips that you can use to tell great stories.

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Mistake 9: Showing a Lack of Dynamism

Another common mistake is to freeze in one spot for the duration of your presentation.
Some presenters feel most comfortable behind the podium. Try to emulate great speakers like Steve Jobs, who moved purposefully around the stage during his presentations.
As well as working the stage, he used gestures and body language  to communicate his excitement and passion for his subject. Pay attention to what your hands are doing – they're important for communicating emotion. But only use gestures if they feel natural, and avoid being too flamboyant with your arms, unless you want to make your audience laugh!
See our Expert Interview, "Winning Body Language," to learn more about body language and what it says to your audience.

Mistake 10: Avoiding Eye Contact

Have you ever been to a presentation where the speaker spent all of his time looking at his notes, the screen, the floor, or even at the ceiling? How did this make you feel?
Meeting a person's gaze establishes a personal connection, and even a quick glance can keep people engaged. If your audience is small enough, try to make eye contact with each individual at least once.
If the audience is too large for this, try looking at people's foreheads. The individual may not interpret it as eye contact, but those sitting around them will.

Key Points

It takes practice and effort to deliver a good presentation. But, if you know how to avoid the pitfalls, your presentations will be great.
Common presentation mistakes include not preparing properly, delivering inappropriate content, and speaking poorly.
Time spent on careful planning always pays dividends. Check the venue out, and familiarize yourself with equipment in advance to avoid possible problems.
Keep your content clear and concise, with visual aids to match. And make sure that you pitch it at the right level for your audience's understanding, so that your presentation doesn't patronize or bewilder.
Remember, public speaking is a performance. Practice speaking clearly with a slower pace than your normal speech to avoid "rapid-fire" delivery. Use eye contact, body language, and gestures that complement your message to keep your audience engaged.
Next time you speak, avoid the mistakes outlined in this article – you'll find you can present with confidence and a clear sense of purpose.
This site teaches you the skills you need for a happy and successful career; and this is just one of many tools and resources that you'll find here at Mind Tools. Subscribe to our free newsletter, or join the Mind Tools Club and really supercharge your career!

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7 Basic Grammar Rules

Hello :) Throughout my teaching of English as a Second Language tutor/teacher since 2009, I found out that this '7 Basic Grammar Rules' somehow beneficial to students regardless of levels: be it for UPSR, PT3 and even SPM/post-SPM. All thanks to a lecturer during my college year who taught us this seven basic grammar rules. Of course I couldn't remember exactly how the notes my lecturer gave that time looked like 100% and I innovate the contents a little ;) - based on my memory, I hope that this 'tips' would be somehow helpful to my students.

In my private and group lessons to low to high intermediate proficiency English as a Second Language (ESL) students, I found out that this funnel approach of teaching from general to specific lesson could reinforce and strengthen:

a) Basic understanding of writing and sentence structure.
b) UPSR: basic writing and grammar (for Paper 1 & 2).
c)PT3: Error Identification section, writing and English Oral Examination.
d) SPM/post-SPM level: Rational Cloze, writing and English Oral Examination.

In my tutorings, I prefer to teach the students this  '7 Basic Grammar Rules' during first few classes and repeatedly teaching it again during the whole tutoring lessons with the aim to build up strong grasps of basic English - apart from customised lesson organisations catering for individual students' need.

Kindly refer to the picture and explanations below for basic understanding. (click the picture for bigger viewing) 

SVA = Subject-Verb Agreement.

In one complete sentence, there are at least one subject and one verb.
Example: Sara[subject] smiles[verb].

Rule 1: Singular Subject takes Singular Verb.

Example: Ali[Singular subject] likes[Singular verb] to play hockey.

Rule 2: Plural Subjects take Plural Verb.

Example: Ali and Raju[Plural subjects] like[Plural verb] to play hockey.

Rule 3: 'to' must be followed by Base Form.

Example: Datuk Lee Chong Wei loves to play[Base Form] badminton.

Rule 4: Modal Auxiliaries must be followed by Base Form.

Example: "Please teacher, may I go to the toilet?" asked Leeya.

Rule 5: 'do/does/did' must be followed by Base Form.

Example: Did you know that the 3 most common languages in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English?

Rule 6: 'is/am/are/was/were/has/have/had' must be followed by Past Participle.

Example: "Have you taken your dinner, Alan?" asked Mrs. Smith to her son.

Rule 7: 'be/being/been' must be followed by Past Participle.

Example: Justin is being followed by a lamb.

This note is for future revision/reference of students/ me too. Hope this simple note is beneficial to this blog's readers as well.

For further enquiries on private/group English tutoring/tuition/workshop from me, Teacher Nurul/Miss Inia (Putrajaya/Kajang/Puchong/KL/Cyberjaya), kindly contact (WhatsApp preferred) +6019-392 6587 or e-mail . English tuition UPSR / PT3 / SPM / post-SPM (pre-university/adults). Tuition Putrajaya . English Tuition . English Tuition KL . English Tuition Kajang . English Tuition Cyberjaya.

My humble education background:

  • [2016] Bachelor of Education of Teaching English as a Second Language (B.Ed. (Hons) TESL, UM): University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
  • [2008] Diploma in English Communication (major in Business Communication): Kolej Profesional MARA Indera Mahkota, Pahang.
  • [2007] MUET Band 5.
  • [2009] A Graduate of a professional course (BTEC Level 3) from an academy certified by Edexcel, London.
  • An enthusiastic person with the subjects of the English language, entrepreneurship, fun & education.
  • {UPSR 1999: 4A {PMR 2002: 7A {SPM 2004:3A (BM, Math, Pendidikan Islam – Science Stream).

" When you have knowledge, it would be wonderful to teach others. At the same time, both student and the teacher learn and know more and more about the knowledge. Learning is a lifelong process indeed."

Tuisyen Putrajaya

​Tuisyen English

​English Tuition

Putrajaya Tuition

Putrajaya Home Tutoring

​UPSR, PT3, SPM tuition Putrajaya KL Kajang

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Beza antara Suka, Sayang dan Cinta

Assalamualaikum para pembaca blog ini, agak lama tidak saya update apa-apa ya? Hehe..
Ok, entri kalini saya mahu berkongsi tentang satu falsafah tentang cinta. Saya dapat 'screenshot' daripada seorang kenalan daripada buku 'Kerna Syurga Bukan Percuma' oleh penulis 'Najmi Fetih' (maaf kerana saya tidak pasti penerbit buku tersebut ya).
Mungkin ada antara pembaca sekalian yang pernah mengalami perasaan jatuh cinta kepada seseorang, malah mungkin juga pernah mengalami perasaan putus cinta.. Harap dapat memberi manfaat kepada anda ya. :)
Apakah perbezaan Suka, Sayang dan Cinta? (Sila lihat gambar. Klik gambar di bawah untuk bacaan yang lebih jelas).
Moga kita berjumpa lagi di entri yang lain, in shaa Allah..


Cik Inia.
Putrajaya, Mac 2017.

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