How to be financially intelligent

If you want to be rich, you have to learn to be financially intelligent first.

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
  1. Step 1

    Know accounting. Accounting is the technical language of how money moves, how it is stored, and how it is used. You have to know accounting to know how your money is moving and what it is doing for you.

  2. Step 2

    Follow the news. This may be boring, but knowing how the world is changing can give you insight into how money will change along with it.

  3. Step 3

    Know the law. You can't win a game where you don't know the rules. Following what Congress does can give you an edge.

  4. Step 4

    Know the difference between a liability and an asset. An asset is something that gives you money, a liability takes money away. By this definition, a house, car, luxury yacht, etc. are liabilities.

  5. Step 5

    Learn economics. This will help be more efficient in how you spend and invest.

  6. Step 6

    Learn how to invest. Diversify your stocks and also your methods of investing. Invest in real estate and businesses.

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Enhancing Your Financial Intelligence

An Alternative Approach In Facing The Credit Crunch

Switched on to Finances - Claudio Jule
Switched on to Finances -Claudio Jule
Having financial intelligence requires not reacting emotionally with money, exploring your basic beliefs and deciding whether they support you in your financial goals.

Money is only meant to be a means of exchange, but money has become a source of power and false pride, a way of measuring success or failure.

Maintaining emotional attachments with money means that you are more likely to react rather than being able to respond to your finances .

Reacting to Financial Situations

Why do so many people struggle with finances? With the current state of the world economy in crisis, and with the credit crunch, many people are living in fear, facing their worst nightmare of losing all their wealth.

"Money is, in itself inert. But everywhere it becomes empowered with special meanings, imbued with special powers. Psychologists are interested in attitudes towards money, why and how people behave as they do towards and with money, as well as what effect money has on human relations."(The Psychology of Money)

Personal Beliefs About Money

Quite often we take our beliefs for granted, without questioning. The beliefs you have concerning money could be the same as your parents and their beliefs surrounding money. Taking time to stop and consider what beliefs you hold around money is the first step in creating financial intelligence.

Some common beliefs are;

  • "Money gives one considerable power"
  • "I feel that money is the only thing I can really count on"
  • "I worry about my finances all of the time"
  • "I am proud of my ability to save money"
  • "Money is how we compare each other"
  • "Spending money makes me feel good"
  • "Money can solve all of my problems"
  • "Money is the root of all evil"

(Extract from The Psychology of Money)

Sorting out the Facts From the Fiction

A young woman roasting a piece of meat. Her young daughter asks her why she cuts the end off, and she tells her that everybody does that, it makes it tastier. Her daughter's questioning leads her to doubt her reasoning and she asks her mother why they cut the end of the meat before roasting it. Her mother tells her that her mother always did it, and she never questioned it. The young woman then goes to her grandmother to find out why and the grandmother told her that in her early days of cooking, they were very poor and only had a very small baking dish and the only way the meat would fit in it was to cut the end off.

Sometimes beliefs are simple and sometimes more complex. They may stem from times of the Great Depression or the World Wars, from refugee inheritance or some other traumatic event that caused someone to have an emotional reaction.

Finding New Beliefs

It is not how much money you have but what you do with it that reveals the intelligence. Spending in excess or living in deprivation are the two extremes, finding the balance means:

  • Making a list of your own beliefs and then test them to see how true they are
  • Recognise your emotions when you repeat your beliefs of money
  • Start changing your beliefs concerning money

Emotions that are tangled up with money prevent you from reaching your desired financial goals. Financial intelligence is having a healthy outlook on money matters, being able to see that money is just an object, a way of exchange. Money does not meet emotional, physical or psychological needs. They need to be met in their own terms. Money does not give power or bring success either. True power comes from being able to be who you are and recognise your own intelligence and wisdom.

References: The Psychology of Money, Adrian Furnham and Michael Argyle,Routledge 1998.

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Selawat Syifa' / Syifaa Salawat

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. "Berguraulah dengan anak kamu kala usianya satu hingga tujuh tahun." Amalkan selepas solat fardu 7, 5 atau 3 kali atau minima sekali selepas solat fardu selawat syifa'.


"Allahumma solli 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin Tibbil Qulubi wa dawa iha, wa 'afiah 'abdani wa syifaa iha, wa nuuril Absori wa diyaa iha, wa 'ala alihi wa sohbihi ajmain".

Antara fadhilat selawat ini ialah menerangkan hati, menguatkan jantung, menerangkan mata mengeratkan hubungan keluarga. (maksud hadith daripada Aishah)

Untuk menjadikan anak soleh, usaha kita ialah dengan displinkan diri supaya menjadi contoh dalam melakukan ibadah kepada Allah, ajak anak2 mengaji Quran selepas solat (terutama malam), berbakti kepada orang tua kerana anak2 akan mengikut , doakan mereka dan berdoa.

"rabbana hablana min azwajina wa zurriyatina min qurrati a'yun, waj 'alna lil muttaqinna Ima ma"
ertinya: Tuhan kami kurniakanlah kami pasangan dan zuriat yang menjadi penyejuk mata dan jadikanlah kami pemimpin kepada orang bertaqwa.

"robbi habli muqimassolatu min zurriyati"
ertinya: Tuhanku jadikanlah aku dan zuriatku sebagai orang yang sentiasa mendirikan solat.


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10 Sifat Calon Suami Yang Baik

Jika anda seorang wanita, carilah lelaki yang mempunyai sifat-sifat berikut.
Jika anda seorang lelaki, jadilah seorang lelaki yang mempunyai sifat-sifat berikut.

1. Kuat amalan agamanya. Menjaga solat fardhu, kerap berjemaah dan solat pada awal waktu. Auratnya juga sentiasa dipelihara dan memakai pakaian yang sopan. Sifat ini boleh dilihat terutama sewaktu bersukan.

2. Akhlaknya baik, iaitu seorang yang nampak tegas, tetapi sebenarnya seorang yang lembut dan mudah bertolak ansur. Pertuturannya juga mesti sopan, melambangkan peribadi dan hatinya yang mulia.

3. Tegas mempertahankan maruahnya. Tidak berkunjung ke tempat-tempat yang boleh menjatuhkan kredibilitinya.

4. Amanah, tidak mengabaikan tugas yang diberikan dan tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa dan kedudukan.

5. Tidak boros, tetapi tidak kedekut. Tahu membelanjakan wang dengan bijaksana.

6. Menjaga mata dengan tidak melihat perempuan lain yang lalu lalang ketika sedang bercakap-cakap.

7. Pergaulan yang terbatas, tidak mengamalkan cara hidup bebas walaupun dia tahu dirinya mampu berbuat demikian.

8. Mempunyai rakan pergaulan yang baik. Rakan pergaulan seseorang itu biasanya sama.

9. Bertanggungjawab. Lihatlah dia dengan keluarga dan ibu bapanya.

10. Wajah yang tenang, tidak kira semasa bercakap atau membuat kerja atau masa kecemasan.

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